Testseek.se har samlat 60 tester av Plextor M5M Series mSATA och det genomsnittliga betyget är 85%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Plextor M5M Series mSATA.
Augusti 2013
60 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
The Plextor M5M 128GB is somewhat slower than its 2.5-inch counterpart, but compared to the other two mSATA SSDs the Plextor M5M is the fastest. For a desktop PC you're still better off with a 2.5-inch SSD, they're cheaper and generally still faster. H...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2013-02-05, Författare: Stuart , testad av: hardwareheaven.com
When building a mSATA SSD Plextor could be forgiven for cutting a lot of corners when compared to their desktop drives. They could have, but didn't. From the controller used to the branded chips, we get quality parts here, just like the desktop equivalent...
The minimal physical resources required for solid-state drives make them an ideal candidate for being presented in a wide variety of small form factors. Most often seen in 2.5in SATA-connected drives, another connector called mSATA is now becoming popula...
Publicerad: 2013-07-05, Författare: Chris , testad av: tweaktown.com
In this capacity size, the Plextor M5M Series is hard to beat. The price is exceptionally low compared to other products, even those we expected to find selling at a lower price. That's not to say every capacity size in the M5M lineup gets the same high ...
Publicerad: 2014-01-06, Författare: Boss , testad av: back2gaming.com
The Plextor M5M mSATA 128GB performance is right up there with the big boys. Although it doesn't set any new standards when it comes to performance but knowing you're getting all that speed at nearly the 1/10 the size of a regular SSD then you've got a w...
Good performance on AS SSD and Iometer, Highend Marvell controller and NAND memory chips, Well priced
Erratic performance on HD Tune, PCMark 7 and PCMark Vantage
In terms of storage technology, the traditional mechanical hard drive has seen little progress in recent years, only larger capacities, lower costs and marginal speed improvements. While the head honchos at companies such as Seagate and Western Digital ar...
Publicerad: 2013-08-26, Författare: Abbas , testad av: tbreak.ae
Sammanfattning: If you are looking into getting a new medium to high-end motherboard, chances are that you'll see a mSATA slot on it. This little slot allows you to mount a tiny sized storage directly on your motherboard. The Plextor PX-256M5M is one such SSD based drive...
Die Plextor M5M 128GB mSATA SSD PX-128M5M erreicht auf kleinstem Raum eine sehr hohe Leseperformance und gute Schreibperformance bei bei extrem niedrigen Zugriffszeiten.Das Plextor PX-128M5M 128GB MLC Solid State Drive mit dem Marvell 88SS9187 Controller...
Die mit einem Die-Shrink verbundene Senkung der Produktionskosten ist sicherlich eines der Argumente für einen Wechsel hin zu Chips mit kleineren Strukturbreiten. Schwerwiegender und für viele Unternehmen entscheidend ist hingegen das Thema Verfügbarkeit...