Generelt god lyd, Kan fjerne DRM fra musikkfiler, Godt med utganger og innganger, Signalutganger med lyskoding, Ser heftig ut
Fungerer dårlig i Battlefield 2, Ikke like engasjerende i spill som Creative XFi, Blir varmt
Xonar D2 blir markedsført som en lydløsning for og fremst for Hi-Fi-bruk, noe som samsvarer godt med vårt inntrykk av kortet. Lyden er engasjerende og god, samtidig som loopback-målingene viser at kortet legger seg et godt hestehode foran Creative X-F...
Så kom vi til den seriøse del... konklusionen. Der er ingen tvivl om, at ASUS har lavet et rigtigt godt lydkort, og der er lagt meget tid i det. Men at det er bedre end X-Fi, det kan man ikke sige. Creative har jo også lavet lydkort længe, så i forho...
The ASUS Xonar D2 is one of the most universal sound cards available on the market. The highest quality of technical implementation helps it deliver best results among mass products in performance tests. It is great at playing music, provides superb 3D...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2008-03-05, Författare: Gordon , testad av:
ASUS has come to the market of sound cards. The right stake on high quality converters and well thought-out circuitry yield an excellent result. You can see it in RMAA measurements and you can hear it, as you listen to music. The lack of advanced audi...
and The Xonar D2 and U1 sound devices give ASUS a great 1-2 punch that should challenge Creative as the best third-party sound products on the market today. I think the main issue is getting consumers to actually look at these products and their spec...
Publicerad: 2007-12-10, Författare: Sean , testad av:
Sammanfattning: I have to say that prior to receiving the Xonar D2 I was a creative fan, after using and listening to the Asus Xonar D2 I am a convert. The sound from the Xonar was much more full bodied than the X-Fi and I was able to get surround sound in games with ...
Sammanfattning: Some time ago, ASUS announced their plans to enter the sound card market, with models targeting primarily gamers. This information was received with a solid amount of scepticism, as we could seldom see anyone who thought that a fresh sound card could b...
Xonar D2 Audio Station U1, Superb clarity, LED lights, Bundled package Easy setup, Included Microphone, Portable, Stylish
Xonar D2 Audio Station U1, EAX 2.0 only, LED Lights, Cant adjust rear LEDs Short USB cable
The Asus Xonar D2 and Audio Station U1 are two products that are aimed at two differen groups of people. Where the Audio Station would fit the life of a mobile user the Xonar D2 is a great card for the movie and music enthusiast. Each piece performs w...