Sammanfattning: Ikke alle højttalersystemer er certificerede, og Logitech er stolt af certificeringen af dets 2.1-sys-tem Z623. Desværre er værdien af thx-certificering over årene faldet, fordi den er blevet givet til højttalere under standard. Andre test i denne seri...
Sammanfattning: Dette THX-certificerede højttalersystem fra Logitech er et 2.1-system, der har 200 watt (RMS) – noget, der tyder på både god og potentiel høj lyd.De to små satellithøjttalere virkede ikke umiddelbart som noget, der kunne give speciel meget lyd, og subw...
Sammanfattning: Der er blevet talt meget om fladskærme med Full-HD, 3D og mange andre fagudtryk, når der er blevet talt om den fuldendte spiloplevelse. Nok skal der da et fedt billede på, når man sætter sig til rette med controlleren i hånden, men hvad med lyden? Lyde...
200 Watt is way more than any 2.1 surround speaker system will ever need, The bass on this Logitech speaker is not just strong and capable but also clear, THX certification does give the speakers higher trust value regarding longevity and durability, Logi
The subwoofer is heavier than any 7.1 system subwoofer. It was probably designed for a larger speaker system, The overall style does not feel gaming-centric at all, Conclusion
Logitech is a brand name you can respect regardless of the gaming peripheral. There are only a few other brands that garner our respect like Logitech does. Without a doubt, we can say that the Logitech Z623 lives up to this reputation. It isn't just marke...
Like the worlds largest elephant the Logitech z623 2.1 THX Speakers are very impressive with a giant 'but'.Build quality is important for any set of speakers, particularly 2.1 ones for your desk. After all, the subwoofer gets kicked whether you mean to or...
The Z623 is an option for gamers or movie buffs who want the power of a 5.1 system but not the price or added hardware. All other users need not apply. Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our E...
Sammanfattning: Regular readers of my flat panel TV reviews will know that I almost never comment on a set’s audio quality, as my standard advice is to connect an HD flat panel to an external audio system. The last time I commented on a flat panel’s TV audio was a ...
Logitech's speaker system immediately impresses for sheer volume, as well as high- and low-frequency response, but we can't help feeling that it doesn't fully deliver on its promises. It's good – but not as good as it thinks it is, and those upgrading fro...
Sammanfattning: Is it just us, or are 5.1- and 7.1-channel speaker systems impractical for PCs? In our 2.1 speaker roundup, we look at the Corsair SP2500 and ......
Sammanfattning: When it comes to 2.1 computer speakers, the Logitech Z623 is pretty straightforward – but in this case that’s a good thing. There’s nothing too different or left-field or flashy about this particular three piece speaker system, as all black unit come...