Ever since ASUS Eee PC first appeared in the market in 2007, it created a growing demand for small form factor notebooks - commonly called netbooks. At that time, the Eee PC was noted for its portability, running Linux operating system and having an a...
neue Vorlagen, viele Detailverbesserungen, MSOffi ceKompatibilität
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iWork ’09 ist zwar nicht „komplett neu“, wohl aber ein gelungenes Update mit vielen ausgefeilten Detailverbesserungen. Vor allem Änderungen an Numbers und den Diagrammfunktionen im gesamten Paket machen die Software fi t für fi...
Sammanfattning: E' a partire dal 2005 che Apple ha avviato la commercializzazione di iWork, una suite di programmi destinati alla produttività SoHo - Small office, Home office. La prima edizione del pacchetto fu costituita da due soli applicativi, l'editor di testi Pa...