Sammanfattning: The desktop PC isn't dead, it's just shrinking. There's a new breed of miniature marvels on the market, and they boast a nonexistent footprint when attached to the back of a display. Unlike some micro-size, micro-priced computers—the $35 Raspberry Pi, for...
Publicerad: 2012-11-18, Författare: Scott , testad av:
Sammanfattning: What's this? A real and reasonably capable PC stuffed into box that will fit in the palm of your hand?We've heard such claims before, but they've never really panned out. Usually such systems have been based on low-power Atom processors or the like, deman...
Sammanfattning: I have to laugh at how some ideas that flop get re-spun as the next big thing once technology catches up with the concept. For example, Microsoft pushed the idea of a tablet PC years before Apple popularized it. Back in 2001, the first list of specificati...
Sammanfattning: I have been using small computers as dedicated media centre devices for years now. It all started running Windows Vista via Bootcamp inside a Mac Mini, which was later replaced by a Dell Zino HD. Those were pretty small personal computers, perfect for ...
Incredibly small form factor, Good performances, Well featured
No native USB 3.0, No power cable
Like its namesake, the Intel Next Unit of Computing is a next phase that is rife with potential. At this moment, the NUC's incredibly small size, connectivity options and good performances make it a versatile computer that can be used in every environmen...
Sammanfattning: Die PC-Skelette gibt’s in vielerlei Farben und Formen, bestehen mindestens aus Gehäuse und Mainboard samt Anschlüssen. Auch ein Prozessor ist schon mal fest verlötet. Die gesamte Bandbreite der Barebone-Kaufhits unserer Leser deckt der CHiP Preisvergleich...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2014-02-05, Författare: Don , testad av:
Sammanfattning: C'est lors du CES 2013 que nous avons pu voir le NUC pour la première fois : grâce à une architecture Sandy Bridge fortement intégrée, ce dernier proposait un processeur Celeron, l'IGP HD Graphics 2000, une sortie HDMI, des ports USB ainsi qu'une connexio...
Notre NUC de test coûte environ 600 euros tout compris. Soit 25 euros de moins qu'un Mac Mini d'entrée de gamme, qui propose -certes- plus de stockage, mais qui reste moins véloce (absence de SSD) et moins bien pourvu en mémoire vive (seulement 4 Go)...
Intel frappe assez fort avec le NUC, et entre en collision avec un marché encore de niche des machines ultra-compactes en ajoutant un facteur de puissance absolument incontestable. Ce genre de machines n'est pas sans rappeler au final ce qu'étaient les A...