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Tester av Samsung GT-N8000 Galaxy Note 10.1 inch har samlat 441 tester av Samsung GT-N8000 Galaxy Note 10.1 inch och det genomsnittliga betyget är 79%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Samsung GT-N8000 Galaxy Note 10.1 inch.
Utmärkelse: Flest Utmärkelser Februari 2013
Februari 2013
441 Tester
25 Tester
79 0 100 441

Testarna gillade

  • Kan ringa
  • Penna ingår
  • Delad skärm
  • Bra prestanda
  • Pennan
  • Prestanda
  • Klar och tydlig skärm
  • S Pen och texttolk ger brett användningsområde
  • Tvådelad skärm och inbyggd tv-fjärrkontroll
  • Högtalarna
  • Skärmdelning
  • Snabb Telefonfunktion
  • Bra inkluderade appar

Testarna gillade inte

  • Begränsad lagringskapacitet
  • Något dyr
  • Byggkvaliteten
  • Skärmupplösningen
  • Begränsad nytta av finesserna
  • Låg upplösning för sitt pris
  • Plastig
  • Begränsat appstöd för S Pen
  • Priset
  • Tveksam nytta
  • Idiotisk handskriftsigenkänning
  • Rejält plastig

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sidan 4 av 45
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  Publicerad: 2013-06-24, Författare: Kyle , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  I guess it's back to my laptop on Roadrunner's high speed internet and my Samsung S3 on T-mobile's 4G network-still not to shabby. Does it sound like I'm flexing my computer muscles? Are you impressed yet? Call me, ladies.I still love using my laptop for ...

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  Publicerad: 2013-04-16, Författare: garfi3ld , testad av:

  • Both Samsung and Verizon surprised me with the Note 10.1. I was impressed with the Note 10.1's features, especially when paired up with fast mobile internet via 4g LTE. With the built in S Pen I can see this being a perfect device for business use but ev...

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  Publicerad: 2013-03-31, Författare: Alexander , testad av:

  • Overall the Galaxy Note 10.1 is a great tablet, and one I'd probably pick up if I were the creative type. If I didn't already own the Nexus 7, I'd definitely pick up the Galaxy Note 10.1 Like I said earlier in the review, the multi-window is my favorite...

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  Publicerad: 2013-03-20, Författare: Mike , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  In the phone world, there is a ton of competition in the Android sandbox. Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola and many more companies are pumping out countless new Android devices each quarter. And while Samsung is the only one making any meaningful progress (and ...

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  Publicerad: 2013-02-02, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  As much as I love the iPad, iPhone, and iOS, I have to admit that I have become intrigued by some of the new and exciting features offered by some of the competing Android phones and tablets. I do appreciate how easy iOS is to learn, use, and set up. I st...

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  Publicerad: 2013-01-07, Författare: Deepak , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  At the pre-CES 2013 keynote press conference, Samsung announced a new version of the Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet, now data-capable with 4G Verizon LTE and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.My review of the Galaxy Note 10.1 was not totally positive, but considering the d...

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  Publicerad: 2012-11-09, Författare: Helena , testad av:

  • The S Pen is a lot more responsive than the one on the original Galaxy Note, Shape match function works well, features unique multitasking features, offers very fast performance, comes with plenty of apps to take advantage of the S Pen – including Adobe P
  • Handwriting to text recognition still needs work, display doesn't wow us, Camera photos are just ok, no HDMI out
  • There is no question about it, as far as offering a capitative Android tablet with a stylus, the Note 10.1 is pretty much the only tablet worth considering. But that is also in part due to the fact that the competition is weak in this space. All In al...

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  Publicerad: 2012-11-03, Författare: Dragan , testad av:

  • When it comes to its features, practicality and performance, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 leaves its competitors a long way behind. On the other hand, the same cannot be stated for its display, which is solid, yet not nearly as impressive. The conclusion...

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  Publicerad: 2012-10-09, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1: Android tablet flagship? In the light of recent events in US, where Apple won a hefty compensation from Samsung for unauthorized usage of Intellectual Property, the Note family of devices grows in importance for Samsung. The ...

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  Publicerad: 2012-10-08, Författare: Deepak , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  The reason is simplicity. Here is a device that is bigger than a smartphone, smaller than a laptop, and brings a convenience and efficiency level somewhere in the middle.Tablets can do a lot more than smartphones, but still do not have the productivity le...

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