Sammanfattning: Town planning is a better expression of what politics really does than mental masturbation over Aristotle and Rousseau. The way we engineer, via elected politicians, how towns work, who lives where and who can build what where is important and intellectua...
Publicerad: 2009-11-23, Författare: James , testad av:
As we predicted at the beginning of this review, the GO x50 LIVE series isn't going to change the world of sat-navs in the same way as its predecessor. So if you've already invested in a GO x40 LIVE, the new features shouldn't have you green with envy. If...
Ease of use, simple and effective UI, responsive touch screen, world maps included, voice control, EPT technology
No traffic capabilities, voice control is hit and miss, rerouting is a little sluggish
TomTom's GO 950 is ideal for frequent travellers, as it includes many international maps. If you don't require the extra maps, the GO 750 will do the same job (though it doesn't include EPT). That being said, this remains an excellent GPS unit that provid...
Maps for Aus, NZ, Europe, US and Canada , Excellent windshield mount , Junction view and lane guidance , Map correction and sharing
No traffic, FM transmitter or MP3 playback , Visual alerts for cameras too tiny , IQ Routes still more hype than reality , Voice commands handy but limited
Hero model it may be, but features-wise it's a mixed bag. Indeed, with its collection of Australian, Kiwi, European and North American maps, it's best suited to frequent flyers....
Sammanfattning: NameIn-car GPS: TomTom Go 950Summary:Simple and generally quite smart, but struggles with peak trafficRating:4/5RRP:$849Contact:tomtom.comI've checked out plenty of in-car GPS solutions but up until now, I'd never found one enticing enough to want to moun...
Sammanfattning: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Wer es böse formulieren will, kann das tun, denn das brandneue TomTom Go 950 Live (349 Euro) unterscheidet sich nur in Details von seinem Vorgänger Go 940 Live. Aber da es sich beim TomTom-Topmodell um einen exzellenten ...
SPAREN BEIM TANKENVon allen Live-Diensten ist der Spritpreisvergleich derzeit sicher der interessanteste. In Sachen Informationsfülle liegt TomTom inzwischen aber nicht mehr an der Spitze. Auch andere Hersteller haben nützliche Ideen entwickelt...
Sammanfattning: Mit dem neuen TomTom Go 950 Live haut der Navi Hersteller gleich doppelt auf die Pauke. Erstens ist das 950 live im Navi-Test ein exzellentes mobiles Navi, zweitens ist es mit nur 349 Euro fast schon günstig.Ein paar Verbesserungen gegenüber dem Vorgän...