Sammanfattning: I sina bästa stunder, när högtalarna sitter i laddningsstationen, låter Evolve riktigt bra med enklare musik. Både popdängor och akustisk musik kommer till sin rätt tack vare ett bra mellanregister och en godkänd diskant. Blåsinstrument kan dock låta lite skrälliga så jazz och klassiskt är inte de bästa genrerna för denna apparat...
Sammanfattning: Griffin har fattat att det är trådlöst som gäller, vem vill inte ha högtalare utan störande sladdar? Med Evolve slipper du trasslet och kan placera högtalarna precis var du vill - maximal frihet. ...
Sammanfattning: I sine beste stunder – når høyttalerne sitter i ladingsstasjonen – låter Evolve ordentlig bra med enkel musikk. Både popsanger og akustisk musikk kommer til sin rett, takket være et bra mellomregister og en godkjent diskant..
The promise of wireless audio has been dangled like a carrot in front of everyone who is looking for good audio without all the cables. Sure, products have come and gone, but the Griffin Evolve is one of the best solutions weve tried in this category...
Sammanfattning: Let’s face it—one of the reasons you purchased an iPod was for the coolness factor. And now you want to add some really cool accessories. That’s where products such as the Griffin Evolve from Griffin Technology come in. The sli...
Let’s face it—one of the reasons you purchased an iPod was for the coolness factor. And now you want to add some really cool accessories. That’s where products such as the Griffin Evolve come in. The slick design of the speakers an...
Sammanfattning: The Evolve wireless sound system from Griffin Technology brings yet another iPod speaker system to a crowded market category. But the Evolve stands alone as the first truly wireless speaker system I have reviewed, and it proved to be a great little pro...
Attractive design, Wireless self-powered speakers can be placed anywhere, RF remote doesn’t require line of sight to base station
Sound quality not as good as Wi-Fi–based or wired models, No 3.5-mm line input (RCA only)
The Evolve won’t impress audiophiles or keep a house party thumping all night. If you don’t mind a one-piece system and need true portability (read: battery-powered), we prefer the Cambridge SoundWorks PlayDock i or Bose SoundDock Portable for...