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Tester av Panasonic TX-P42VT30B har samlat 70 tester av Panasonic TX-P42VT30B och det genomsnittliga betyget är 89%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Panasonic TX-P42VT30B.
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  Publicerad: 2011-10-26, testad av:

  • S€dvanen tro vil jeg starte min konklusion med at sende en undskyldning til producenten, i dette tilf€lde Panasonic :-)Min tilgang til test er at finde og dokumentere alle de potentielle svagheder, s€ledes at du som l€ser har mulighed for selv at vurde...

Läs hela testet (TX-P50VT30) »
Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2011-04-27, testad av:

  • Panasonic har indbygget ny funktionalitet såsom Viera Connect Smart TV-platformen og Viera Marked-butikken. VT30 omfatter naturligvis også alle de multimediefunktioner, som fandtes i 2011 modellerne, såsom DLNA, USB-afspilning med DivX og USB-optagelse...

Läs hela testet (TX-P50VT30) »
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  Publicerad: 2012-02-08, testad av:

  • Incredible build; stunning cinematic picture quality,
  • Picture lacks a little brightness; needs a 3D picture preset; judder with 50Hz,

Läs hela testet (TX-P55VT30) »
Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2011-11-01, testad av:

  • Outstanding picture quality, Best black levels of any set, 3D, Internet streaming,
  • Picture not as impressive in a welllit room, Getting color perfect can take some work, Pricey, Does not meet latest EnergyStar Standards

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  Publicerad: 2011-09-20, Författare: Al , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Panasonic’s VT30 plasma line marks an evolution in performance and style over last year’s VT25 Series. It’s true that the TC-P55VT30 is pricey when compared with other plasmas in its size range, and its THX mode could stand to be more accurate. But on...

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  Publicerad: 2011-06-02, Författare: David , testad av:

  • The Panasonic TC-PVT30 has outstanding overall picture quality, with superior black-level performance, very good shadow detail and accurate color points in THX mode. It can handle 1080p/24 sources and bright rooms well and exhibits the nearly perfect scre
  • The VT30 is very expensive, and last year's Panasonic plasmas lost black-level performance over relatively short periods of time. Its color is not as good as the best current plasmas and it uses significantly more power than LCD TVs
  • Superb all-around picture quality, anchored by the deepest plasma black levels of the year, make the Panasonic TC-PVT30 series the best-performing TV we've tested in 2011.

Läs hela testet (TC-P55VT30) »
Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2011-05-23, testad av:

  • The Panasonic Viera TC-P55VT30 is a really great TV, in most regards, but there’s no perfect TV. We’ve learned to stop looking for that. In terms of features, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better plasma. Panasonic, already the leader in plasma TVs, ...

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  Publicerad: 2011-04-27, testad av:

  • Panasonic has incorporated new functionality such as the Viera Connect Smart TV platform and the Viera Market store. VT30 obviously also incorporates all the multimedia features from the 2010 line-up such as DLNA, USB playback with DivX, and USB recording...

Läs hela testet (TX-P50VT30) »
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  Publicerad: 2012-06-01, testad av:

  • To end our analysis with a much needed conclusion, we think that Panasonic's Viera TX-P50VT30 isn't a great improvement over the VT30, but it works well and won't damage quickly....

Var detta test till hjälp?   
  Publicerad: 2011-12-08, testad av:

  • Colour, contrast, BBC iPlayer, impeccable 3D, involving 2D, audio
  • 3D specs subdue black levels, USB slot positioning
  • A stunning performer in both 2D and 3D that also makes SD looks as good as possible, and has a decent range of Internet-based features...

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