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Tester av Hyrule Warriors: Legends har samlat 38 tester av Hyrule Warriors: Legends och det genomsnittliga betyget är 69%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Hyrule Warriors: Legends.
38 Tester
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69 0 100 38

Testarna gillade

  • Små men kännbara mekaniska nyheter
  • Vanebildande hack 'n' slash
  • Linkle är ett oväntat fräscht nytillskott
  • Spelglädjen
  • Nya karaktärer
  • En kvinnlig hjälte

Testarna gillade inte

  • Kräver den nyaste 3DSmaskinen för att flyta
  • Det visuella är rejält nerskalat
  • Kartan är rena rama myrornas krig
  • Grafiken!

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-23, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Badges (see all)WeaponsCut down entire legions of enemies as Link, Zelda, Midna and other characters from The Legend of Zelda franchise using over-the-top powerful Dynasty Warriors-style moves. This tour de force through the beloved locales of Hyrule will...

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-23, Författare: Jose , testad av:

  • On the whole, Hyrule Warriors Legends just doesn't work well on the 3DS (or 2DS) at all. Despite adding five awesome characters and some smart control-swapping and fast-travel options, the performance problems and shabby-looking graphics make it difficult...

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-23, Författare: Jose , testad av:

  • On the whole, Hyrule Warriors Legends is an ok experience for New 3DS owners. Despite adding five awesome characters and some smart control-swapping and fast-travel options, the performance problems and shabby-looking graphics make it difficult to appreci...

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-22, Författare: Stefan , testad av:

  • Exciting and fun, strategic brawl gameplay, Enjoyable Legend of Zelda characters and storyline, Good RPG-style leveling up system, Solid use of all the 3DS's capabilities
  • Repetitive gameplay, Pop-up issues when running into a swarm of enemies
  • Combining the familiar elements from the Legend of Zelda with the simplistic hack-and-slash gameplay found in Dynasty Warriors makes Hyrule Warriors Legends a great game for quick bursts of pick-up-and-play, that also offers a rich storyline that handles...

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-21, Författare: Ian , testad av:

  • Objectives lend focus to proceedings, Works well in handheld form, Rather good fan service
  • Genuinely unfair sometimes, 3D mode ruins performance, Absurdly repetitive

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-21, Författare: Neal , testad av:

  • Basically the Wii U version in portable form, Even more dumb fun and ridiculous attacks, New gameplay tweaks, Tons of content
  • Reuses the Wii U version's content, Runs like garbage on the original 3DS

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-21, Författare: Chris , testad av:

  • CHARMING - Not perfect, but it's easy to ignore the rough spots when faced with so many engaging design decisions and entertaining moments. A memorable game that's hard not to like and recommend to others. How we score: The Destructoid Reviews Guide...

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  Publicerad: 2016-05-05, Författare: Liban , testad av:

  • Amazing crossover, Smartly re imagined characters
  • Lame narrative, No 3D option,

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-22, Författare: Stuart , testad av:

  • A solid conversion, Crammed with new content and characters, Surprisingly deep systems and strategy
  • Monotonous hack and slash action, Stress-inducing time limits, Disappointingly flat storytelling
  • This isn't a bad port of the Wii U original, and if you like Dynasty Warriors and love Zelda then the addition of new characters and content might be hard to resist. Yet Hyrule Warriors struggles to represent the best of Warriors or the best of Zelda, mak...

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  Publicerad: 2016-03-21, Författare: Justin , testad av:

  • The full Wii U game plus more, 2D mode moves well, Playable Linkle you can use on Wii U
  • Still repetitive to play, Runs very poorly in 3D mode, Can feel like a chore

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