Testseek.se har samlat 28 tester av Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy och det genomsnittliga betyget är 80%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.
Maj 2019
28 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
0 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Fantastik grafik och dialog
Uppfriskande utmaning
Testarna gillade inte
Ingen voice-over
Kunde ha gynnats av lite mer actionmoment och moderniseringar
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Publicerad: 2014-12-11, Författare: Chris , testad av: nerdreactor.com
l the best game in the series and definitely the most challenging.The one thing the Phoenix Wright series always had was a crazy cast of characters from the prosecutors to civilians, each having their own agenda and persona. With some hilarious writing an...
Cleaner, wider visuals than ever before, Gameplay still holds up after all this time, Immense amount of play for a good price, Still the best bad puns in all gaming
Many solutions still far more obtuse than necessary, DSexclusive case in the first game shows ingenuity the other two games don't, Collection highlights lack of diverse casetypes in the trilogy
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2014-12-09, Författare: Sean , testad av: Gamingnexus.com
Sammanfattning: Phoenix Wright, Attorney at Law has had a long, bizarre career. He began his signature bumbling style of defense way back in 2001 on the Game Boy Advance, in an offbeat visual novel that seemed destined to remain confined to Japan. For unknown reasons Cap...
Excellent use of charismatic cast to connect all three games and engage players, Plenty of twists to keep players interested in solving every case
Missed opportunity to improve on some minor issues, such as making it easier to read already seen text, No option to make use of original visual style,
Sammanfattning: This isn't going to a review, at least not the more traditional sense of the word. We all know Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is fantastic. I think it'd be very fair to say that too many people it's a perfect trilogy, offering up lovable characters you root...
If you've never experienced them before, then Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is an entertainingly compelling collection of courtroom-based visual novels with excellent writing and colourful characters who help paper over game mechanics that can at t...
Schon wieder eine Neuauflage. Hold it! Die Serie ist auf dem Nintendo DS richtig gut angekommen. Ja, in Ordnung, es ist eine Neuauflage einer richtig guten Spieleserie. Braucht es die wirklich? Visual Novels gibt es doch mittlerweile wie Sand am Meer. Obj...
Sammanfattning: Feuerwehrmann, Astronaut, Cowboy oder Profi-Fußballer, das sind alles typische Kinder-Traumjobs. Ich sehe das ein bisschen anders: Rechtsanwalt zu sein - das muss ein wirklich aufregender Beruf sein, jedenfalls wenn man den Visual Novels aus der Ace-Attor...