Sammanfattning: First things first, Rayman 3D is not a new game. In an eerie parallel to the DS launch, Ubisoft ported one of their console Rayman games to Nintendo's latest dual-screen handheld. Despite the obvious pun, this isn't Rayman 3, but rather Ubisoft chose t...
Sammanfattning: 2D screenshots of 3D-capable game: Due to technical limitations, the screenshot shown in this review is a 2D image of a game that can display its graphics in 3D. The game is fully playable in either form, but only the 2D method can be shown here.As far...
Rayman 3D was once a brilliant game, but it's showing its age. And without any real improvements to the gameplay or the visuals, it feels old. The entire time I was playing, I felt ripped off. I'd been suckered into thinking I would be getting somethin...
Sammanfattning: In its time, Rayman 2 was a good game. Released on the Nintendo 64 when 3D platformers were at the height of their popularity, Rayman 2 had a lot of things going for it, and the way it fell in the footsteps of other 3D platformers and outright copied o...
Sammanfattning: It’s a sad but simple fact: when a videogame becomes a breakout success, there are many imitators that follow it in the hopes of achieving the same level of acclaim. This is all too apparent these days with nearly every developer trying to ...
If you’re looking for a title to showcase your new handheld, Rayman 3D isn’t it. 3D sometimes makes you coo, though not often, and the touchscreen isn’t used. Nevertheless, being a tweaked version of an already good game means what you’re left with is ...
angenehme Musik, bunte Welt, viele Speicherpunkte, Geschichte mit Humor, abwechslungsreiche Levels
kein neuer Inhalt, Grafik kaum verbessert, Kamera macht Probleme, Ladezeiten, 3DEffekt funktioniert nicht gut
Ich selber habe mit Rayman 3D, den ersten Ableger der Serie kennen gelernt. Somit habe ich keinerlei Erwartung gehabt und war neutral auf dieses Spiel eingestellt. Das Bewerten fällt mir dennoch schwer. Zwar ist es für mich ein „neuer“ Titel, aber im ...