Publicerad: 2023-01-05, Författare: Chris , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Based on the reception of the main characters alone, I think it's easy to see how divisive the aesthetics of Fire Emblem Engage are: and the game isn't even out yet! As someone who was unsure, I have to admit to grew on me, especially after seeing it in a...
If Fire Emblem Three Houses ignited an appetite for Nintendo's particular brand of tactical RPG, then consider Fire Emblem Engage a must-play. Even from its earliest hours, it's clear that this is a brighter, more approachable Fire Emblem title that sacri...
Publicerad: 2022-09-13, Författare: Chris , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Nintendo is known for kicking off their Nintendo Directs with style, and announcing Fire Emblem Engage is no exception.Shown off with a brand new very detailed accompanying trailer, we get a sense of the dragon-based conflict within this game world, as we...
Publicerad: 2022-09-13, Författare: Alex , testad av:
Sammanfattning: After months of leaks and rumors, the latest game in the Fire Emblem series has been officially announced at the recent Nintendo Direct under the name of Fire Emblem Engage. The most notable feature of the game is that old Fire Emblem heroes can be summo...
Publicerad: 2022-09-13, Författare: Chris , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Are you ready for a September 2022 Nintendo Direct recap? I'm not! It was a constant explosion of info, and there's a lot to take in. Let's attempt to make sense of it all.If you want to watch the entire thing yourself beyond this complete September 2022...
Sammanfattning: Some video games love paying lip service to their past. Newer games in a series might resurrect a character for older fans to appreciate, or bring back a single item for one last hurrah – like the Samurai Edge in Resident Evil Village, a cheeky wink at p...
Sammanfattning: Spielzeit: ~18 Stunden Release: 20.01.2023 Plattform: Nintendo Switch Preis: 59,99€ Manche Videospiele lieben Lippenbekenntnisse zu ihrer Vergangenheit. Neuere Spiele einer Serie lassen vielleicht einen Charakter wieder auferstehen, damit ältere Fans ihn...
taktisch tiefschürfende Rundenkämpfe, weitgehend unterhaltsame Fantasy-Story, schicke Inszenierung im Anime-Stil
viele Aspekte von Three Houses auf das Nötigste reduziert, vor allem das soziale Drumherum, und der 4-Spieldurchgänge-Umfang, etliche überflüssige, lästige oder unausgegorene Spielmechaniken, schmucklose Präsentation auf der Taktik-Karte, in v
Engage entschlackt den enormen Umfang seines Vorgängers, lässt dadurch aber Vieles vermissen, das diesen erst so gut gemacht hatSelten zuvor war ich so ratlos, was ich von einem Spiel halten soll, wie im vorliegenden Fall von Fire Emblem Engage. Grundsätz...