Testseek.se har samlat 106 tester av Mario Plus Rabbids Kingdom Battle och det genomsnittliga betyget är 83%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Mario Plus Rabbids Kingdom Battle.
Augusti 2017
106 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
Sammanfattning: Videogame mash-ups aren't as common as you think. While Mario and the gang get together every generation to beat each other black and blue, and you'll occasionally unlock a platform exclusive character in a popular fighting game, it's just not normal for...
It shouldn't work, but Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle coalesces into something that shows a reverence to Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom, but isn't afraid to challenge its ideas. It's a wonderful game in its own right, and a bit of magic for Nintendo's Swi...
Great art design, Well-explained basics, Infectious charm, Quite dense and complex, Playful animations, Specially designed co-op levels
Music lacks variety, Campaign restricted to single-player, Sudden rise in difficulty, Rating (out of 10): 9, Gadgets 360 played a review copy of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on the Nintendo Switch. The game is available at $59.99 (about Rs. 3,850) digit
Publicerad: 2017-08-29, Författare: Ryan , testad av: stuff.tv/my/
Smart and challenging combat system, Lengthy campaign and plenty of content, Story captures that lovable Mario charm
Inconsistent quality in puzzles
Honestly, I expected the Mario and Rabbids crossover to be a watered-down tactics game that was so simple and goofy that it could only be enjoyed by children. I was completely wrong.There's so much depth and content that this is an incredibly fun blast re...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-10-12, Författare: Li , testad av: gameaxis.com
Charming mish mash of characters, Amazing setup, A vast colorful world that awaits strategy lovers and beginners,
Awkward camera angles, Wonky maneuvering during gameplay
Beneath the whacky humour and vivid colours, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a deep, turn-based strategy game that requires careful and strategic thinking. This is one game that Nintendo Switch gamers must buy...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-08-28, Författare: Dan , testad av: ap.ign.com
Based on its colorful world, beautiful animation, and source material you might expect Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle to be “My first turn-based tactics game.” But you're in for a surprise: even for XCOM vets some of its battles are challenging puzzles...
Nicht gerade logische Story, Teilweise bockige Kamera, Hoher Schwierigkeitsgrad nicht jedermanns Sache
Liebevolle Animationen, eingängige Soundtracks und herrlich abgedrehte Charaktere zählen zu den größten Stärken von Mario + Rabbids – Kingdom Battle. Auch das für Nintendo ungewohnte Strategierollenspiel funktioniert dank Entwickler Ubisoft ganz hervorrag...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-08-30, Författare: Christoph , testad av: gamezoom.net
hübsche Spielwelt, schicke Effekte und Animationen, gelungener Soundtrack, einfaches aber dennoch komplexes Taktik-Gameplay, Upgrades, Spezialattacken, viele zusätzliche Herausforderungen außerhalb des Hauptspiels, geniale Bossfights, Humor
gelegentliche Ruckler, einige Grafikbugs, Story und Dialoge kommen zu kurz
Bei der Ankündigung von Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle war ich mir ehrlich gesagt nicht sicher, ob das Konzept aus Taktik-Gameplay, Mario und Rabbids wirklich aufgeht. Immerhin kennt man Mario in erster Linie aus Jump-and-Run-Titeln und die Rabbids schrei...
Zwei coole Lizenzen kombiniert, Spaßiges Strategie-Gameplay, Technisch richtig gut gelungen
Anspruch bleibt recht niedrig, Skills werden später unwichtiger
Mit Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle finden Nintendos Marken-Gesicht und Ubisofts Maskottchen in einem Strategiespiel zusammen. Im Kern finden wir rundenbasierte Kämpfe im Stile eines XCom, die von einer witzigen Story und einem einfach zu erlernenden Skill...