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Publicerad: 2018-09-07, Författare: Dean , testad av: venturebeat.com
Sammanfattning: Ubisoft showed off its new entry in the “toys-to-life” market, Starlink: Battle for Atlas. I played it at a recent preview event on the Nintendo Switch and got hands-on with Starfox character Fox McCloud, which Nintendo agreed to allow Ubisoft to use as...
Publicerad: 2018-10-20, Författare: Jason , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is an incredibly entertaining game. Going from the vastness of space onto the busy and colourful planets looks fantastic and the combat feels good whether on land or in the sky. The story is good too, it feels like a Saturday mo...
Publicerad: 2018-10-19, Författare: Andy , testad av: pocket-lint.com
Generous Digital Pack, Proper light-up modular toys, Engaging cutscenes and narrative, Highly populated hand-build planets
Complex digital-physical pricing model, A few spikes in difficulty
Starlink: Battle For Atlas is a surprising and welcome return to toys-for-life. The toys themselves are well made and great fun to play with. The generosity of the digital pack is a breath of fresh air.Most importantly, however, is that the experience fee...
Sammanfattning: My favourite moment in Starlink: Battle for Atlas occured when, muddled and in the heat of a fight, I attached a weapon the wrong way around. Ubisoft's latest is a very late entry into the toys-to-life marketplace: when you play it, your controller houses...
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a fun, arcade-y revival of the spaceship shooter that's been filled out with a lot of extra open world stuff - both the good and the bad. But fight through the filler and there's fun combat and some stunning settings to explo...
Publicerad: 2018-10-15, Författare: Sam , testad av: gamesradar.com
Beautiful world and rich story to explore, Toys work incredibly well, Can be played without the toys
The toy proposition is a little confusing
At its core, Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a fantastic space exploration game, with solid flights, fights and enemies, but can be a complicated toys-to-life proposition to recommend, and understand...
Publicerad: 2018-09-25, Författare: Andy , testad av: pocket-lint.com
Starlink: Battle For Atlas does have the feel of a brave new world about it. The combination of the new toy technology and a fully-fledged space adventure could well spark the imagination of youngsters and an interest in space travel.First though, the gam...
Publicerad: 2018-06-26, Författare: Matt , testad av: trustedreviews.com
Vast open star system to explore, Smooth aerial and space combat, Inventive elemental combos, Modular toys are really cool
Some rough textures and pop-in on Switch, Toys not strictly necessary
Whatever format you might get Starlink on, pricing on the toys will be key as to whether this follows in the footsteps of previous toys-to-life pioneers, or kick-starts a new wave of excitement for the genre. There's definitely potential here though, and...
Publicerad: 2018-10-16, Författare: Jordan , testad av: cgmagonline.com
Sammanfattning: I find it very interesting that years after the toys-to-life craze was at its peak, Ubisoft is trying its hand at it with Starlink: Battle for Atlas. I have always been a fairly vocal proponent of the “Toys-to-Life” genre, at least in theory. I've always...
Publicerad: 2018-10-18, Författare: James , testad av: impulsegamer.com
Starlink: Battle for Atlas on the Nintendo Switch is a friggin good game and no matter what way you play it on this portable console, the mechanics are relatively flawless. At times, the game does remind me of No Man's Sky, Wing Commander and even Mass Ef...