Testseek.se har samlat 83 tester av The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening och det genomsnittliga betyget är 86%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening.
September 2019
83 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
250 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Urläcker presentation och musik
Unik och charmdrypande berättelse
Välbalanserade pussel
Spelmekanisk formel som håller än
Fantastisk pryl och pussel och vapen
Briljant strukturerade
Ser bra ut - en total omarbetning över de ursprungliga
Stora delar av dolda saker
Obefläckat utförd fängelsehålsbyggare
Helt förtrollande historia och atmosfär
Mysigt och stämningsfullt spel av den gamla Zelda-skolan (för alla som älskar A Link to the Past)
Riktigt snygg och välljudande remaster
Som ändå behåller originalets alla inslag och skavanker
Zelda-spelen håller grymt hög lägstanivå och är alltid vär
Proppat med innehåll
Fantastisk speldesign
Smarta utmaningar
Härlig grafik
Underbar musik
Troget originalet
Dampés grottbyggarfabrik
Ljuvlig grafik och ljud
Testarna gillade inte
Rejält ojämn bilduppdatering
Relativt kort jämfört med andra Zeldatitlar
Ibland kan du skrapa huvudet och konsultera genomgångar
Inte den bästa storyn eller smartast designade Zelda-spelet i serien (där konkurrensen är mördande hård). Begränsningarna av att det gjordes till en tidig
Publicerad: 2019-09-23, Författare: Sara , testad av: imore.com
Amazing updated graphics, Remastered music is a joy, Gameplay is fresh yet familiar, A few new elements, A lot of replay value
Frame rate drops can be a bit jarring, Some animation is slowed, Link's voice can be grating at times, Chamber Dungeons aren't as versatile as they could be, Need Amiibo for unique dungeon chambers
While I loved every second of playing this game, I can't ignore the technical issues I encountered. I picked a physical copy of the game at launch. Unfortunately, there have been a few problems with this version of the game. As I played, I experienced ran...
Anyone who hasn't played the original should pick this up just to experience Link's Awakening in its most graphically impressive form, and anyone who fondly remembers the original should pick this up too just to take a wonderful trip down memory lane...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2019-09-20, Författare: Jason , testad av: kotaku.com
One of the best Zelda games. a beautiful remake that feels great and is as polished as a Mirror Shield,
Publicerad: 2019-09-20, Författare: Peter , testad av: gamespot.com
A captivating visual overhaul revives the decades-old handheld game, Fun in the sun and perilous puzzle-solving adds up to a delightful Zelda adventure, The expertly designed map packs a lot of challenges and secrets despite its small size, Koholint's isl
Making and playing dungeons never manages to feel like an impactful addition, Occasional frame rate drops distract from the otherwise slick experience
Beautiful graphics, Clever puzzles and level design, Almost identical to the original
High price, Dungeon creator doesn't add much
Petty complaints aside, Link's Awakening looks great and plays well. It's rare enough that a Nintendo system gets two new Zelda games; the Switch is currently slated for three (Breath of the Wild, Link's Awakening and Breath of the Wild 2). The game is bo...
Publicerad: 2019-09-19, Författare: Jeff , testad av: venturebeat.com
I'm sad that this new Link's Awakening didn't make me feel like a kid again, but nothing ever will. And I'm OK with that. I'm creating new memories all the time. Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild both brought magic into my life because they have...
Publicerad: 2019-09-19, Författare: Dave , testad av: wccftech.com
Gorgeous visuals, Excellent reimagined music, Still a great game decades later
Framerate drops and stutters when loading
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening looks gorgeous, sounds beautiful, and tells a twee and compelling tale. While the game can be played through in around ten hours if you know what you're doing in advance, new players will find a lengthy and engaging Z...
My most succinct recommendation for the 2019 remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening would be this: a couple of weeks ago, having finished the original, I was actively hoping that this wouldn't be a shot-for-shot remake. Entire decades after the f...
Publicerad: 2019-11-08, Författare: Steve , testad av: pocket-lint.com
Great gadget and puzzles and weapons, Brilliantly structured, Looks great – a total rework over the original, Vast swathes of hidden stuff, Immaculately executed dungeon-builder, Utterly enchanting story and atmosphere
May occasionally have you scratching your head and consulting walkthroughs
The original Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening may be over a quarter of a century old and designed to operate on a monochrome handheld with a tiny screen, but the Switch remake has been so judiciously crafted that it almost makes you question that history...