Testseek.se har samlat 54 tester av The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD och det genomsnittliga betyget är 78%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.
Juli 2021
54 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
60 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Äventyr som lämpar sig för merparten av 'gamers'
Uppdaterade texturer och kontroller samt låst till 60 fps - bra där
Ett måste för alla Zelda fantaster
Mysig värld och sidokaraktärer
Utmärkt HD-remaster av ett mycket SD-spel
Massor av spel med ett 40-timmars äventyr
Pussel och strider är uppfinningsrika och roliga
60 fps-spel gör det mer lyhört
Mycket bättre med gamepad än det var på Wii med rörelsekontroller
HD-grafik i 60fps med skarpare bild och mer detaljerade miljöer
En invaggande värld och old-school-linjär storyline
Det är ett Zelda-spel med alla
Klassiska ingredienser
Riktigt bra grottor
Bra soundtrack
Stridsmekaniken är ändå rätt häftig
Ordentligt förbättrad spelkamera
Uppgraderad grafik
Fantastiska pussel
Grymt bra atmosfär
Fortfarande briljant bandesign
Ljuvlig story
Testarna gillade inte
Kunde slipat mer på kontrollerna - särskilt de knappbundna
Kanske inte lika imponerande
Sett ur moderna ögon
Aningen klichéartat sett till berättelsen...
Kontroller utan rörelse är svåra att ta itu med
Några grafiska problem kvarstår
Mycket dyra för en remaster - klassisk eller inte
Ursprunget i rörelsekontroller känns av
Inte lika modern och smidig spelupplevelse som andra spel i serien
Charming story and characters, Smart and deep evolving dungeon design, Streamlined tutorials and explanations, Striking, modernized visual design, Successful button control adaptation
Handful of control limitations, Pace is still slow
Publicerad: 2021-07-14, Författare: Kevin , testad av: gamespot.com
Dungeons are cleverly designed and satisfying to solve, Touching story complemented by one of the series' best soundtracks, Quality-of-life improvements help smooth over some previously irritating elements and improve overall pacing
Button-only controls largely feel cumbersome, Gyro controls, while responsive, need to be reset frequently, Tears hunts and other padding drag down the adventure
Engaging story and characters, The Sky is fun to explore, Topnotch dungeon design, A few nice qualityoflife changes, The usual great soundtrack, Tons of content
Visual style hasn't held up, Restrictive, repetitive structure, Controls still aren't optimal, Key feature tied to Amiibo
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is a conservative update to one of Link's less-heralded adventures that's unlikely to change many minds one way or the other. The padding, control limitations, and other issues fans have long bemoaned are still in ful...
Depicting the earliest tale in The Legend of Zelda timeline, a young knight must journey between the endless sky and the mythical surface below in search of his childhood friend, Zelda. As their destiny unfolds, a wicked plan to resurrect an ancient evil
Controls take some getting used to, Combat sound effects seem incredibly loud compared to the rest of the game, This game was reviewed on Nintendo Switch but the original is available for Nintendo Wii
Sammanfattning: In 2011, when Nintendo reforged The Legend of Zelda around the waggling of a Wii remote in Skyward Sword, there was a sense that the developer had lost sight of the wood for the trees; that in focusing so tightly on gyroscopic sword-waving, the game lost...
Excellent HD remaster of a very SD game,Plenty of gameplay with a 40+ hour adventure,Puzzles and battles are inventive and fun,60fps gameplay makes it more responsive
Non-motion controls are tricky to get to grips with,Some graphical glitches remain,Very pricey for a remaster - classic or not
Our biggest problem with the game, however, is its price. The non-motion controls can be frustrating, but we can balance that with the option of playing the game without having to take over the living room floor. But, to price Skyward Sword HD the same as...
Publicerad: 2021-07-14, Författare: Tom , testad av: dailystar.co.uk
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Plays fantastically with standard controls, Incredible dungeon design, Inventive boss battles
Pacing and padding issues, Camera can be finicky, Some elements have aged poorly
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is an adventure worth taking, a chance to reevaluate one of the largest and most experimental games in the series' history...
Publicerad: 2021-07-14, Författare: Christian , testad av: eurogamer.net
Sammanfattning: Quality of 'Loft. A fascinating second look at one of the oddest Zeldas out there. I'm not sure there is a more magical moment in all of Zelda than the moment you first hit a timeshift stone. For five minutes or so you've been exploring a dead world of gr...
Publicerad: 2021-07-14, Författare: Alan , testad av: stuff.tv
The best story, music and characters of the series, Cleverly designed dungeons and overworld, Motions controls still feel best, but button controls also available, Lots of welcome quality-of-life improvements
It's not Breath of the Wild (but what is?), A bit of repetition and backtracking in the latter half
A decade later, Skyward Sword HD is the definitive version of an unfairly maligned masterpiece that fixes a lot of issues people had in the past, making for a much smoother and accessible game. Sure, fans might have wanted more from Zelda's 35th annivers...