Sammanfattning: Heavy Rain isn’t your standard video game. Quantic Dream’s film-noir style mystery is an interactive, story-driven thriller, with a slow-paced narrative that unravels itself like a tightly wound ball of string. The story focuses on the hunt for a seria...
The fact that its numerous endings are reached with little to nothing in the way of narrative B-roads is by the by. Heavy Rain is a first-class ticket to Baghdad; though constrained to a singular route to your ultimate destination, you’ll sit back...
Publicerad: 2010-03-13, Författare: Simon , testad av:
Flashback to E3 2005. Sony unveils the PS3 with its gargantuan price tag of $599 USD and leaves the press in attendence gasping at the price. Clearly Sony had to show something to justify this cost and the technology revolution that the PS3 apparent...
Powerful and emotionally engaging narrative , Story continually adapts to your actions , Unique controls convey drama and tension , Highly detailed characters and environments , Stirring soundtrack
Plot holes and heavy-handed villains , Technical issues break immersion , Poor movement controls
This deeply moving adventure adapts to your every action and is not to be missed....
Sammanfattning: Video review: February 25 $119.95 MA15+ PlayStation 3 Brushing teeth, shaving and nappy-changing may not be your idea of a fun videogame, but Heavy Rain is no ordinary console title. It goes against all traditional norms; no run-and-gun action, sci-fi themes o...
Superbly crafted story, believable characters, expertly evokes an emotional response from the player
Some may not be willing to accept the breaking of traditional gaming concepts
An emotionally engaging thrill-ride from start to finish, Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain is a superbly crafted interactive experience, told expertly through its stunning visuals and believable characters...