Sammanfattning: Matthew McConaughey once said that sometimes you need to go back to move forward. The team at DICE must have been very moved by that sentiment. Taking it to heart and pushing the Battlefield series nearly 100 years back into World War I for this year's re...
Publicerad: 2016-10-21, Författare: Daniel , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Word War I was the “War to End All Wars.” But as EA's “Battlefield 1” points out in its opening scenes, the conflict that spanned continents and killed millions ended nothing.Available today for PS4, Xbox One and PC, “Battlefield 1” is a refreshing take o...
Surprisingly respectful campaign, told in six vignettes, Same old Battlefield multiplayer, for better and worse
Conspicuous absence of stories from French and German soldiers, Battlefield continues to split the multiplayer community with post-launch paid DLC
I just keep coming back to that same quote, though. “If history only remembers one in a thousand of us, then the future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did.” For all that I'm enjoying Battlefield 1's raucous multiplayer, its qui...
Publicerad: 2016-10-19, Författare: Patrick , testad av:
Sammanfattning: The hype that has surrounded Battlefield 1 for the past few months has been something the franchise hasn't experienced since the early days. At a time when the gaming community has been pleading for the return of a WWII shooter, EA DICE went and did one b...
lAfter my playthrough (and finishing with 8 kills 4 deaths), I felt that this is for sure going to be FPS of the year. I was sad because I literally wanted to stand there and continue playing, although I don't think the 60 people waiting in line would hav...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2016-07-08, Författare: Patrick , testad av:
Sammanfattning: The moment you can stop yourself for a brief second to take in the sheer beauty of everything Battlefield 1 has to offer is when you realize the true nature of this evolving development brilliance. Of course, that's difficult to pull off without getting m...
Sammanfattning: In the last console generation, Sony struggled to overcome the cheaper Xbox 360. This time around, the roles are reversed, and it's the PlayStation 4 that is running away with it, with a great selection of games available to cater to all tastes.But what h...
Publicerad: 2016-10-26, Författare: Rick , testad av:
Battlefield 1 also has a larger scope than ever, primarily through the new 'Operations' mode. Operations are miniature multiplayer campaigns that take place over two or three maps, essentially expanded versions of the staple Rush mode. One team must assau...
Publicerad: 2016-10-25, Författare: Sam , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Battlefield 1 is a tectonic shift for the military shooter genre. By jumping back to world war one, developer EA Dice has not only discovered fresh game design ideas through the antiquated weaponry, it has also ensured that its game stands apart from othe...