Publicerad: 2015-07-17, Författare: Tom , testad av:
Sammanfattning: MONSTER FAILURE: Godzilla on the PS4 is the worst game of 2015 [PH]Oh dear.This game is truly terrible.The graphics are pathetically poor on Playstation 4. I felt like I was playing an early Xbox 360 title.The buildings you get to destroy as mega beast Go...
Sammanfattning: Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.If ever there's been a silver screen star deserving of a reboot, it's Godzilla. Though never leaving Japanese cinemas for very long, Western audiences have had to live with the woeful memory of the 1998 Matthew...
Publicerad: 2015-07-29, Författare: Keith , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Godzilla's track record hasn't been great when it's come to games. Bouncing between systems and developers, the oversized lizard has never had a game worthy of carrying his iconic name. Developer Natsume Atari's latest offering (which is actually a re-rel...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2015-07-16, Författare: Jon , testad av:
Apart from it's massive roster of Kaiju and an encyclopedia of monsters, Godzilla's poor graphics, uncomfortable controls, and overly repetitive missions make this one of the worst renditions of the King of the Kaiju since he fought Matthew Broderick in M...
Schwierigkeit variiert nach Stages, alle Kaiju spielbar
Sound dröhnt, und ist überlastet, keine Geschichte, Anhaltspunkt, oder zumindest irgendetwas vorhanden, Storymodus schnell langatmig (da repetitiv), Teils frustrierendes Gameplay, das kaum Atmosphäre aufkommen lässt, kurzweiliger Spielspaß, M
Ich möchte eigentlich gar kein Fazit schreiben da das Spiel in den Wertungspunkten nur zerrissen werden kann und selbst ich als Freizeitfan eigentlich keine Minute länger vor Godzilla sitzen möchte. Und natürlich kann man sagen, dass die Steuerung so sche...
Publicerad: 2015-08-31, Författare: Daniel , testad av:
Lo bueno, La gran cantidad monstruos, Los poderes de cada uno, Los extras y la facilidad de los trofeos
Los gráficos de PS3 en PS4
Until Dawn combina adecuadamente un sistema de decisiones simple con una trama predecible. El resultado es un juego entretenido que dejará satisfechos a los fanáticos de los juegos y películas de terror...
Vi consigliamo di investire il vostro denaro nell'acquisto di cartoline di offese da spedire al publisher. Rivoglio le ore della mia vita buttate su sto coso.Valutazione scala 1/101.5– E' in vendita[Recensione] Godzilla – Le dimensioni non contano ultima...