Sammanfattning: Of all the PlayStation 4 launch titles, I've probably played Knack the most. Part of that is because I'm reviewing itthe other part is that my son kept wanting to watch me play it. Knack has a draw to it. The main character, the eponymous Knack, has a coo...
Knack isn't broken. It plays just fine. It has a storyline that runs along the campaign and hits quaint and cheesy notes at a regular interval. It delivers a nice art style and a taste of what's to come in terms of more cartoon-esque graphics on the PlayS...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2013-11-16, Författare: Matt , testad av:
Sammanfattning: When Knack was first introduced, I said to myself, “This could be the entry-level game for parents and kids to play.” You know, something similar to Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter, only this time with co-op. The launch libraries from both sides of the...
Impressive particle physic, Intersting settin, Smashing things as giant Knack is fun
Derivative gamepla, Paper-thin character, Disappointing way to launch the PS4
While "Knack" provides a moderately diverting adventure, there won't be much reason to pick it up after the PS4's library improves...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2013-11-13, Författare: Tom , testad av:
Wellrealized environments that you want to exist in
Little variety to distract from the nonstop fighting, Even enlarging Knack or turning him invisible doesn't change the action, Artificial environments and enemy interactions, Tiresome combat with a meager move set
KnackBright and colourfulEasy to controlKatamari-style growing heroCrisp and clean p visualsKnackeredCheap enemiesWay too repetitiousDull charactersStrange art styleYou own this Total You want this Total You had this Total Knack PlayStation ReviewUltimat...
Sammanfattning: This week we take another dive into the next-gen world of PlayStation 4 and one of the consoles launch titles, Knack. Developed by Japan Studio, as well as having a heavy helping hand from Sony's legendary Mark Cerny, the game was released along side the ...
Knack is a friendly, loveable guy that I'd hoped would deliver a true Playstation 4 platforming experience. Sadly, it wasn't to be. Not even the glimmer of hope from the DS4 controller could muster up some inventive ideas here. Knack wanted to star in a b...
Dumb checkpoint locations, Repetitive bash and jump action, Knack's bland personality
Knack is a missed opportunity. There are plenty of good ideas here, from the super-sizing of Knack himself to the collectible gadgets, but few are exploited well. Then there's the unexciting level design, Knack's lack of personality and the irritating c...
Sammanfattning: The PlayStation 4 ‘s launch was accompanied by an array of dark ports. Serious, open world adventures, shooters, and racers, most of which could be found anywhere else. Knack was a beacon. The lone example of something completely different. It's a bright,...