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Tester av PlayStation VR Worlds har samlat 20 tester av PlayStation VR Worlds och det genomsnittliga betyget är 59%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för PlayStation VR Worlds.
20 Tester
26 Tester
59 0 100 20

Testarna gillade

  • En blanding spel som visar upp vad PSVR klarar av
  • Danger Ball är riktigt kul
  • Headtrackingen fungerar mycket väl

Testarna gillade inte

  • Ganska dyrt med tanke på vad du får
  • Saknar meningsfull interaktion



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  Publicerad: 2016-10-26, Författare: Darren , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  For PlayStation VR gamers PlayStation VR Worlds is going to seem a lot like a demo disc, designed more to show off the PlayStation 4's VR kit that stand on its own. The title is a grouping of five short VR “experiences” most of which don't really come un...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-13, Författare: Keith , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  PlayStation VR Worlds feels like it should have been a pack-in title with every one of Sony's virtual reality headsets. Not because the level of quality is particularly high – indeed, the majority of its offerings are poor at best, and sickness-inducing a...

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  Publicerad: 2016-11-25, Författare: Geoffrey , testad av:

  • PlayStation VR Worlds is a decent collection of demos that you probably want to own as they're an excellent way to show off VR. It's such a pity that these experiences, as much potential as they show, are too brief to be worthwhile.PlayStation VR Worlds w...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-06, Författare: Dan , testad av:

  • It's a shame these four games and one sightseeing trip aren't sold separately, because as a mismatched hodgepodge it's a lot harder to recommend as a whole than the good parts would have been on their own. The entertaining shooting gallery and drama of Th...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-21, Författare: Manuel , testad av:

  • Beinhaltet The London Heist, Gibt einen guten Einblick in die Möglichkeiten von VR, Grafik und Sound sind überwiegend gut, Bietet tolle VR-Erlebnisse
  • Spielen mangelt es an Gameplay, Bietet so gut wie gar keine Langzeitmotivation, Ist für Umfang derzeit noch zu teuer
  • Wie bereits anfangs erwähnt, schwankt die Qualität der Spiele stark. Sowohl in Sachen Gameplay, als auch in Grafik und Spielespaß. PlayStation VR Worlds kann man durchaus als eine Art Tech-Demo ansehen. Dieses bietet einem einen guten Einblick, was mit v...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-21, Författare: Alexander , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  So oder so: Um den Dschungel an Veröffentlichungen ein bisschen zu lichten widmen wir uns ein paar der kleineren VR-Erfahrungen im Schnellverfahren und liefern euch eine kurze Einschätzung, ob sich der Kauf lohnt oder eben nicht.Entwickler: Frame Interact...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-31, testad av:

  • Un assaggio delle potenzialità di Playstation VR, Cinque giochi in uno...
  • ma la maggior parte sono tech demo
  • Playstation VR Worlds propone una compilation di giochi in grado di dare solamente un assaggio delle vere potenzialità di Playstation VR e della tecnologia della realtà virtuale. Abbiamo apprezzato praticamente, stando larghi, tre giochi su cinque, ma anc...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-22, Författare: Joe , testad av:

  • Toffe schietactie in The London Heist, futuristisch Pong spelen in Danger Ball, haast volwaardige gameplay in Scavengers Odyssey
  • Passiviteit in Ocean Descent, gebrek aan content en echte spanning in VR Luge, risico op misselijkheid bij Scavengers Odyssey
  • Als kennismaking met de mogelijkheden van virtual reality is PlayStation VR Worlds een aardige bundeling opgeleukte demo's, maar we hadden graag wat meer uitwerking gezien. Het schieten in The London Heist en Scavengers Odyssey is echter wel de moeite waa...

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  Publicerad: 2016-10-11, Författare: Jordi , testad av:

  • The London Heist verreweg het tofst, Laat mogelijkheden VR zien, Vermakelijke games...
  • Maar eentonig

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  Publicerad: 2016-11-30, Författare: Felipe , testad av:

  • Boa simulação do VR, Excelentes gráficos de cada mundo, London Heist tem boa narrativa e cenas de ação
  • Pouco conteúdo no geral, Em alguns mundos nem mesmo pegamos no controle, O preço é muito alto para o que oferece
  • PlayStation VR Worlds prometia ser um mundo cheio de opções para ser explorado com o PS VR, mas não passa de uma experiência básica de apenas algumas horas. O preço elevado não justifica o investimento em uma “demo de luxo” apesar dos bons gráficos e de...

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