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Tester av Red Dead Redemption 2 har samlat 174 tester av Red Dead Redemption 2 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 93%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Red Dead Redemption 2.
Utmärkelse: Bäst i Test Maj 2019
Maj 2019
174 Tester
1128 Tester
93 0 100 174

Testarna gillade

  • Du har aldrig klivit in i en vackrare och mer livfull värld
  • Hästanimationerna är värda ett eget plus
  • En berättelse som kommer att uppsluka dig. Tro oss
  • Gänget. Ditt gäng. Sicket gäng
  • Detaljrikedomen är bedövande
  • Otrolig inlevelse
  • Helt makalös spelvärld
  • Sanslösa animationer
  • Fantastisk grafik
  • Underbar vapenkänsla
  • Massor av innehåll
  • Fenomenal musik
  • Enorm variation
  • Välskriven story
  • Ljuvligt persongalleri
  • Gripande berättelse
  • Intressanta karaktärer
  • Grandiosa omgivningar
  • Omfattande spelvärld
  • Oerhört detaljerat
  • Mycket omväxlande
  • Ett lugnt lunkande tempo
  • Utforskarglädje när den är som bäst
  • Hästarna och allt vad de innebär
  • Jakten och fisket
  • Detaljer
  • Alla dessa detaljer
  • En djup och gripande historia som engagerar
  • Det finns alltid något att göra

Testarna gillade inte

  • Striderna är och förblir Rockstars svaghet men detta är ett spel som handlar om så mycket mer än pangpang
  • Bitvis trilskande bilduppdatering
  • Långsammare än vad man ibland tolererar
  • Komplicerat kontrollschema
  • Tempot är ibland lågt
  • På gott och ont

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-31, Författare: Lewis , testad av:

  • A technological marvel that will truly define this generation, An excellent and intimate story that you'll remember for years, Lots of opportunities to hogtie innocent civilians
  • My horse died and I'm still sad about it. R.I.P Tootin' and Miss Neighs-a-lot

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-29, Författare: Kallie , testad av:

  • The story has incredible weight as a prequel with the anticipation that comes from knowing how it all ends, New characters are among the best and help make the story enjoyable on its own, A varied and reactive world filled with chance encounters and surpr
  • Elements of semi-realism take you out of the experience rather than draw you into it

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-27, Författare: Kallie , testad av:

  • The story has incredible weight as a prequel with the anticipation that comes from knowing how it all ends, New characters are among the best and help make the story enjoyable on its own, A varied and reactive world filled with chance encounters and surpr
  • Elements of semi-realism take you out of the experience rather than draw you into it

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-26, Författare: Kallie , testad av:

  • The story has incredible weight as a prequel with the anticipation that comes from knowing how it all ends, New characters are among the best and help make the story enjoyable on its own, A varied and reactive world filled with chance encounters and surpr
  • Elements of semi-realism take you out of the experience rather than draw you into it

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Ken , testad av:

  • Incredible world to explore, Great characters and writing, Simply a joy to experience, Incredible music score
  • Rockstar control scheme still feels stiff

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Colm , testad av:

  • Fantastic characters and Rockstar's best writing to date, Side missions that are as enjoyable as the main quest, Looks and sounds beautiful, A truly livedin world

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Dean , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Red Dead Redemption 2 is about as awesome and immersive as a video game can get, and that's no hyperbole or surprise, as the game comes from Rockstar Games, which made masterpieces such as 2010's Red Dead Redemption and 2013's Grand Theft Auto V. I am con...

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Alessio , testad av:

  • Beautiful visuals thanks to the lighting and environments, Excellent music scores, sounds and voice dubbing, Big, lively world that's ripe for exploration, Great writing and unforgettable cast of characters, Loads of varied, highquality content to play th
  • Slow beginning, Cover and melee systems aren't as well realized as gunplay
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 may not be perfect, but its minor shortcomings are like tiny blemishes on a stunningly beautiful face. In a way, they only serve as a reminder of how this world isn't made for perfection. Every single aspect of the game will put you...

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Jenni , testad av:

  • Rating - The BestNot an average. See Rating legend below for a final score breakdown.Review Rating Legend0.1 - 1.9 = Avoid 2...

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  Publicerad: 2018-10-25, Författare: Jenni , testad av:

  • Rating - The BestNot an average. See Rating legend below for a final score breakdown.Review Rating Legend0.1 - 1.9 = Avoid 2...

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