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Tester av Sniper Elite 4 har samlat 56 tester av Sniper Elite 4 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 77%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Sniper Elite 4.
Utmärkelse: Flest Utmärkelser Februari 2017
Februari 2017
56 Tester
0 Tester
77 0 100 56

Testarna gillade

  • Stora
  • öppna landskap
  • Fritt
  • Smärtsam gore
  • Coop
  • Röntgenvyn
  • Att försöka hålla sig oupptäckt
  • Kartorna
  • Co-op
  • Intressant tidsperiod
  • Tillfredsställande KillCam
  • Underhållande upplägg
  • Bra grafik
  • Bra ljud

Testarna gillade inte

  • Det mesta är sig likt
  • Lättlurad AI
  • För lite nyheter
  • Själlösa karaktärer
  • Ointressant story
  • Trista mellansekvenser
  • Platt röstskådespeleri
  • Stundvis seg spelkontroll

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-18, Författare: Josh , testad av:

  • Impressive effort with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth most people's time and cash. How we score:  The Destructoid Reviews Guide...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-15, Författare: Rosh , testad av:

  • The environment is amazing, Xray vision is gross, hilarious and satisfying all at once, Player has an agency, and takes on enemies at their pace, There is so much mischief to be had in Italy, Multiplayer has strange but deeply satisfying ways of changing
  • The characters are so boring I've already forgotten their names, Remarkably, the skulls and organs are better rendered than the actual faces, Anything but the sniper rifle is boring
  • With gameplay that can shock, amuse and satisfy in the same slowed heartbeat, Sniper Elite 4 is the best game in the series. While it graphics, story and characters can feel a little flat, the gameplay has always been the focus, and is so perfectly tuned...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-15, Författare: W1zzard , testad av:

  • Sniper Elite 4 is an entertaining shooter with signature gunplay that's focused on long-distance combat. You will find a good balance of difficulty settings that cateres to sniping pros as well as fast-paced action lovers. Did we mention the new, more go...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-13, Författare: Hayden , testad av:

  • Enormous levels dotted with tons of objectives and alternate paths, More verticality than its predecessor
  • AI can be woefully stupid at times, Story is predictable and full of questionable voice acting
  • To quote my own preview one more time: It's easy for me to poke fun at Sniper Elite. The series is built around a silly gimmick, and makes no secret of that fact—every kill is a chance to revel in your prowess, to admire every exploding eyeball and shatte...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-13, Författare: Richard , testad av:

  • Xray kills are morbidly satisfying, Level and objective design encourages creative thinking, Expanded and refined stealth and action, Expansive arsenal with multiple functions
  • AI is inconsistent, Uninspired story, Tedious competitive multiplayer

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-13, Författare: Josh , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Here's a fun fact for you: The invasion of Normandy, one of the largest military operations ever conducted, was delayed! Originally scheduled to take place on June 5th, 1944, a forecast of bad weather convinced Allied leadership to put their plans to inva...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-10, Författare: Colm , testad av:

  • Tactical approach is terrific, Kill Cam is as satisfying as ever
  • Forgettable characters and story that gets in the way

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-22, Författare: Dominic , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Nazis and testicles, well exploding testicles, are two things very much tied to the Sniper Elite series. Ever since the x-ray mechanic was brought into Sniper Elite V2, players have been having fun popping nazi testicle after nazi testicle (link mandator...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-17, Författare: Tom , testad av:

  • Wide open levels with lots of gameplay possibilities, Slow-mo X-ray sniping still as satisfying (and sick) as ever, Multiplayer survival and co-op modes add lots of replay value
  • Story isn't all that engaging, Game engine starting to show its age, Enemies still not the smartest bunch
  • You won't get too many surprises, as the story really just isn't all that engaging, but it doesn't matter. By looking good, doubling down on the macabre yet moreish sniper gameplay, and expanding each mission area to really let you play the way you want...

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  Publicerad: 2017-02-13, Författare: Steve , testad av:

  • Distinctive and involving missions, looks great, superb level design, satisfying sniping and stealth, rigorous AI, imaginative asymmetric co-op mode
  • Cut-scenes not the most polished, dialogue merely serviceable, some multiplayer modes much less appealing than others
  • Sniper Elite 4 really impresses is the way its stealth and sniping systems mesh with the enemy artificial intelligence and level design to create something which, while recognisably a videogame, nevertheless has a ring of authenticity to it. It's bollock-...

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