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Tester av The King of Fighters 14 har samlat 35 tester av The King of Fighters 14 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 81%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för The King of Fighters 14.
Utmärkelse: Bra Köp Augusti 2016
Augusti 2016
35 Tester
0 Tester
81 0 100 35

Testarna gillade

  • Massor av karaktärer
  • Många banor
  • Grym musik
  • Nya "rush" är perfekt för nykomlingar
  • Mycket att låsa upp
  • Detaljerade arenor
  • Känns old school

Testarna gillade inte

  • Lite tråkigt grafiskt
  • Nya "rush" känns lite för kraftfull
  • Slutscenerna kunde vara bättre

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  Publicerad: 2016-08-22, Författare: Jed , testad av:

  • While The King of Fighters XIV isn't as flashy or good looking as other recently released fighters, it is jam packed with content by comparison having 50 characters playable on the disc...

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-18, Författare: Sean , testad av:

  • King of Fighters' long awaited return has resulted in arguably SNK's best looking and performing title in their long and storied career...

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-13, Författare: Matthew , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  “The King of Fighters XIV is another King of Fighters, basically.” If I didn't have a word count to consider, that's the review I'd write, because it's the most apt, succinct description of the game. The King of Fighters, as a franchise, is nothing if not...

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  Publicerad: 2021-01-08, Författare: Jeffrey , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  If your parents ever disparaged your video game obsession as a huge waste of time, they're either a) out of touch or b) lacking in vision. That may sound overly harsh, but there's some truth in this take. Esports, the video game industry's competitive gam...

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  Publicerad: 2016-08-25, Författare: Darry , testad av:

  • King of Fighters XIV offers an astonishing amount of content, with nearly double the playable characters of most other games available on day one. The fighters themselves are interesting and well designed, both visually and mechanically, and they push lim...

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  Publicerad: 2016-08-22, testad av:

  • Loads of content, no waiting for DLC, Excellent, lag-free online multiplayer, Huge roster of fighters
  • On-point combo execution is a must, We'll miss the 2D sprites, KOF is never going to be newbie-friendly
  • King of Fighters XIV doesn't lose anything in the shift away from hand-drawn 2D sprites to more modern 3D animation. It's as frenetic and colourful as ever, even with the bold new art style, and fights are just as fast-paced as they used to be. Series fan...

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  Publicerad: 2016-08-25, Författare: Darry , testad av:

  • King of Fighters XIV offers an astonishing amount of content, with nearly double the playable characters of most other games available on day one. The fighters themselves are interesting and well designed, both visually and mechanically, and they push lim...

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-14, Författare: Björn , testad av:

  • Gute Weiterentwicklung der Serie, Massig Kämpfer zur Auswahl, Gute Steuerung
  • Lahme Story, Zu wenig Spielmodi
  • Als Jünger von Mortal Kombat und Street Fighter aus den 90ern, fand auch King of Fighters seinen Weg in meine Hände. Die Evolution der Reihe in das zukunftsweisende 3D Setting war absolut notwendig und wurde auch gut umgesetzt. Man muss sich nicht mit Se...

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-17, Författare: Allan , testad av:

  • Lo bueno, Gameplay profundo, pero accesible, 50 peleadores disponibles, Gran variedad de modos de juego
  • Ya no usa sprites
  • id Software reimagina un clásico para la nueva generación con personalidad suficiente para resaltar en un mundo de FPS con características clónicas. Ampliamente recomendable para los fanáticos del género...

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-20, Författare: Kevin , testad av:

  • King of Fighters, quatorzième du nom, nous livre un bon uppercut pour l'amateur de jeu de combat. Sa grande variété pour ce style de jeu, sa complexité ainsi que pour son énorme choix de combattants en font un des meilleurs de ce genre depuis quelques ann...

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