Publicerad: 2016-02-03, Författare: Matthew , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Several hours and countless puzzles into The Witness, I was hit by a realization: I don't care about any of this.In my defense, this may be because I've never once in my life wondered about how Jonathan Blow's mind works, and that's pretty much all The Wi...
Publicerad: 2016-01-26, Författare: Stephen , testad av:
Sammanfattning: While playing The Witness for this review, I wrote an email to its lead creator, Jonathan Blow. It was a moment of weakness. I feared that Blow's magnificent new puzzle game had deadended my ability to reach a solution. I sent it on a Saturday afternoon...
Publicerad: 2016-01-25, Författare: Mike , testad av:
Clever maze puzzles with extensive depth, Great use of openworld structure, Gorgeous locales with underlying secrets, Subtle, intelligent teaching methods
Some preachy storytelling moments drone for too long, Several puzzles test dexterity instead of intelligence
Sammanfattning: This puzzling mystery game is the creation of Jonathan Blow, developer of the award-winning game Braid.You're in a hallway, in a basement, in a house. You have no memory of who you are or why you are here. Exploring outward, you find yourself on a strange...
Publicerad: 2016-02-22, Författare: Will , testad av:
Sammanfattning: PC, PS4 , Thekla, cert: 3) ★★★★There was considerable anticipation for The Witness and understandably so, it being the latest title from the revered indie game developer Jonathan Blow, the creative force behind the magnificent Braid in 2008. Fortunately...
The Witness is daring, ingenious, beautiful and pure Of course, your humble reviewer may well be less clevver than he realises, but I reckon that beating The Witness will rank as a legendary achievement for most players. At the nerd Olympics, playing J-B...