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Tester av The Last Guardian har samlat 110 tester av The Last Guardian och det genomsnittliga betyget är 80%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för The Last Guardian.
Utmärkelse: Flest Utmärkelser December 2016
December 2016
110 Tester
0 Tester
80 0 100 110

Testarna gillade

  • Trico
  • Fint berättad
  • Världsbygget
  • Storyn
  • Animationer
  • Engagerande story
  • Snygga mellansekvenser
  • Egen magi som berör
  • Tricos karaktär
  • Fantastiska fjädrar
  • Tricos animationer
  • Underbar atmosfär
  • Trico är otroligt levande
  • Mysig relation med Trico
  • Dynamisk 4Kupplösning och HDR med PS4 Pro
  • Otroligt fint berättat. Stämningsfullt. Miljöerna.P
  • Miljöer
  • Berättandet är lika vackert som tidigare
  • En vacker och mystisk värld
  • Relationen mellan pojken och Trico

Testarna gillade inte

  • Tekniska problem
  • AI problem
  • Svaga pussel
  • Horribel styrning och respons
  • Ojämn grafik
  • Trico är för bångstyrig
  • Kameran
  • Kontrollen
  • Att titta på när Trico slåss suger
  • För liten variation
  • Seg spelkontroll
  • Horribel kamera
  • Brist på tydligt narrativ
  • Saknar utmaning
  • Tråkiga strider
  • Kontrollen. Trico är bitvis lite väl bångstyrig. Grafiskt är det långt ifrån bäst i klassen.P
  • Kontrollerna
  • Horribel kontroll
  • Nästan lika horribel kamera
  • Trico är lite väl bångstyrig emellanåt

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Jacob , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  After beating Shadow of the Colossus for the fifth time, I began to come to terms with the fact that I'd never play another game quite like it again. Even if the same team came together for a new project, they would never be able to recapture the magic of...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Joey , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  The Last Guardian is here. This thing was approaching Half-Life 3 status, wasn't it?Sony revealed it during the PlayStation 3 days. Director Fumito Ueda and Team ICO, the makers of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, were building something new. This new some...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Jim , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  The story of the creation of Fumito Ueda and Team Ico/genDESIGN's The Last Guardian is a long and complicated one and probably a tale which is better told via Wikipedia to be honest. The short version: development on the anticipated PS3 follow-up to Ico a...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Chris , testad av:

  • Impressive effort with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth most people's time and cash. How we score:  The Destructoid Reviews Guide...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Jeff , testad av:

  • I'm glad that Sony saw this one through. The publisher could've canceled it even in the face of fan hype, but it stuck with Team Ico and gave The Last Guardian a chance to wow fans. The final product doesn't feel like a 2016 game. Instead, it's this st...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Tom , testad av:

  • Beautiful scenery and lighting, The relationship is wonderful, Trico is amazing
  • Directing Trico can be a nightmare

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Jae , testad av:

  • Trico is a fantastical creature that truly feels alive, Great pacing with many surprising and emotional moments, Stellar level and puzzle designs that are just challenging enough to be fun
  • Notable framerates drops in some areas, Context sensitive controls can be cumbersome at times, Camera can get stuck in weird angles in close quarters

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Mike , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  If waiting seven years for the third game from Ico and Shadow of the Colossus creator Fumito Ueda has taught us anything, it's patience, which is exactly what's needed to see our young hero and his massive catbird companion through to the end of The Last...

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  Publicerad: 2016-12-05, Författare: Kenneth , testad av:

  • The relationship at its core is wonderful, Lovely score, The cooperative nature of its gameplay is really interesting…
  • until it becomes a constant hassle thanks to a disobedient AI character, Character movement is flimsy and clunky, Camera is unbearable at times
  • The Last Guardian's story is moving and beautifully told, but the poor execution of its dated mechanics hold it back from the greatness of its predecessors

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  Publicerad: 2016-09-15, Författare: Dean , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  The Last Guardian has been in development at developer Gen Design and Sony's Japan Studio for almost a decade, but it's finally expected to ship on December 6 on the PlayStation 4.Sony is showing hands-on gameplay at the Tokyo Game Show this week, and we...

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