Testseek.se har samlat 146 tester av Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End och det genomsnittliga betyget är 91%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Uncharted 4: A Thiefs End.
Maj 2016
146 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av experter som har testat produkten.
0 Tester
Genomsnittligt betyg av ägare till produkten.
Testarna gillade
Vackert med bra leveldesign
Direkt styrning
Variationsfylld gameplay
Härligt actionäventyr
Fingerspetskänslan hos Naughty Dog
Vilket skådespel!
Snyggaste konsolspelet. Någonsin
Unga marodörer på äventyr.
Ett vackert spel i utseende
Ton och berättande
Suverän skådespel i röst- och rörelseinspelning
Bra takt mellan olika spel teman
Verkligen episkt äventyr
Roligt och frenetiskt multiplayer
Otrolig berättarteknik
Viss problemlösning är strålande
Svensk textning
Utökad sandlåda
Världens bästa grafik
Skrämmande bra animationsarbete
Klart förbättrad vapenkänsla
En berättelse full av nyanser och mänsklighet
Bra variation i miljöer såväl som spelmoment
Mindre handhållning och mer utforskande
Världens snyggaste grafik
Dramatiskt och spännande
Genomarbetad story och karaktärer
Effekter och skådespeleri i världsklass
Testarna gillade inte
Multiplayer! Varför ens ha med?
Klichéfylld story från och till
Man kunde ha kapat några timmar transportsträcka
Själlöst hoppande.
Kort enspelarkampanj - men bara i det avseende att vi aldrig ville att det skulle ta slut
Sammanfattning: Developer Naughty Dog has come a long way since 1996. This is something they proudly acknowledge in Uncharted 4, with a brilliant cameo appearance of one of their first games - Crash Bandicoot. Seeing the crude polygons and pixelated textures of the origi...
Sammanfattning: Right now, you should be reading a number of reviews for what's arguably Sony's biggest game release this year. Mine isn't one of them. Because we live at the tip of Africa, and live in a world where digital codes seemingly don't exist, I only received th...
Sammanfattning: Uncharted 4 is finally here. Nathan Drake is ready to take us on unparalleled adventures once again. Truth be told, very few games can match the high standards set by Naughty Dog's Uncharted franchise.The previous games, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, its s...
Environment Detailing, Flawless MoCap, Character Modelling and Acting, The two relations of Drake, Seamless Scene to Action Flow, Puzzles, Online Mode
Missing out on the Epic Uncharted Sequences, Too many car puzzles, Predated Enemy Wave Style and same old combat style, Awfully Boring Ending
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has lots to answer before it can completely match up to the games that preceded it. Visually breathtaking, A Thief's End is a crucial spin on the Drake story, only marred by the lack of the big Uncharted moments and an overall g...
Great story, Stunning visuals, Slick gameplay, Fun multiplayer
Bloated third act
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a remarkable achievement in blockbuster storytelling and graphical beauty. Though it's let down by a lack of imagination and some self-indulgence, especially in a third act that drags on far too long, Uncharted 4 carries on t...
Fantastic visuals, Inventive puzzles, Improved shooting, Emphasis on exploration
Muddled plot, Levels aren't as open as they seem, Rating (out of 10): 8, We played a review copy of Uncharted 4. The game is exclusive to the PS4 and costs Rs. 3,999. It will be available at stores from May 10, ->
We're shooting to have our final Uncharted 4: A Thief's End review ready within 48 hours of launch on May 10. But in the meantime, here's what we think based on what we've played so far.Share Tweet +1 Share Instagram...
If you're a PS4 owner, Uncharted 4 is most definitely a must play. It has one of the most gorgeous graphics I have ever seen in a console game, and the level of dedication and care to detail Naughty Dog has put into the game truly show in the fourth – and...
Photo-realistic graphics – the best we've ever seen on the PS4, Beautiful landscapes and vistas that capture the scale and magnificence of the locales, Wonderfully scripted story and cinematic action scenes, Improved and new gameplay mechanics that add ac
Repetitive action sequences and puzzle-run-gun formula, Silly partner AI that makes you feel as if you're doing everything yourself
All in all, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a solid new addition to the Nathan Drake chronicles, and a perfect comeback for the series on the PlayStation 4. With new innovative gameplay mechanics, superb graphical investments, and masterful storytelling – N...