Publicerad: 2015-08-31, Författare: Simon , testad av:
Sammanfattning: It's fair to say that Heavy Rain was promoted by Sony as the next big thing in video games. A game that was hyped for most of the PS3 system life, which in the end turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. It was not a bad game per se, but it was not th...
Sammanfattning: Supermassive games has never tackled a horror game like Until Dawn before, and it shows. I mean that in a good way. From towel-clad teenagers to predictable jump scares, Until Dawn takes every single horror movie cliché you could think of and either turns...
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Publicerad: 2015-07-13, Författare: Ryan , testad av:
Looks terrific, Plenty of suspense, Engrossing, Fantastic game dynamics
Still one bug we found that needs to be ironed out
Sammanfattning: Say what you may but the PlayStation has one niche sub-genre that the Xbox doesn't have – interactive story. Interaction in these games are minimal and players are there to offer input on what to do at certain points.Set in the mountains, Until Dawn is ba...
The one thing audiences of slasher movies love to do is to use the power of hindsight and poke fun at the victims.Who has not commented that if it were them in the movie, they would have done something else that would have led to their survival?If that is...
Sammanfattning: UNTIL Dawn comes across as a video-game take on a typical teen-slasher flick, complete with psycho killer, screaming girls and dismembered body parts. But what an incredible B-grade experience it delivers. It's not that the PlayStation 4 exclusive is the...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2016-03-13, Författare: Ole , testad av:
Grandiose Charaktermodelle, Stimmige Atmosphäre, Gut umgesetzter Schmetterlingseffekt, Storytelling aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven, Relativ hoher Wiederspielwert
Im Großen und Ganzen zu leicht, Schleppendes Tempo der Hauptcharaktere
Until Dawn hat mich durchaus positiv überrascht. Die Idee, den Teenie-Slasher zurückzubringen fand ich im Vorfeld zwar schon interessant, konnte mir aber kaum vorstellen, dass ein gelungenes Comeback gelingen kann, nachdem die Filmbranche das Genre quasi...
Tolle Geschichte, Gekonnt mit Klischees gespielt, Macht auch Spaß zu zweit auf der Couch, Einige Schreckmomente
Zu wenig Schmetterlingseffekt, Kantenflimmern und schlechte Haaranimation
Im Vergleich zu den anderen beiden interaktiven Spielen von Sony Beyond: Two Souls und Heavy Rain muss sich Until Dawn nicht verstecken, sondern komplettiert die Parade um einen guten Horrorspiel, das so einige Herzinfarkte parat hält. Insgesamt bleibt ab...