Utsidan har stilren design och insidan är tillräckligt kraftfull för att hantera spel
4K och HDR. Oavsett om du streamar film
Serier eller spel så körs det felfritt
Den nya kontrollen och fjärrkontrollen är en enorm förbättring mot förra versionen
Testarna gillade inte
Ingen fjärrkontroll i rutan
Android TV saknar fortfarande appstöd för många stora namntjänster
Spelvänligt utseende är en förvärvad smak
Fjärrkontroll ingår inte som standard och tar snabbt slut på batteri. Irriterande att man måste välja mellan 16 och 500 GB – och prisskillnaden på 900 kronor är för stor
Hörlursuttaget på fjärrkontrollen och MicroSD-ingången har försunnit. Priset är i högsta laget
Publicerad: 2018-08-10, Författare: Scott , testad av: ausdroid.net
GeForce NOW opens up the ecosystem to so many games, Stylish, fast and responsive hardware, 4K HDR streaming
No free-to-air TV built into the box, Asus/Android controllers don't work with most Nvidia games, No power off button (I blame YouTube autoplay for this con)
If you like to play games and want to simplify your streaming TV viewing then the Shield TV is for you. No ifs or buts about it. The sheer number of games possible to play is just amazing — you name it, it is there. Not only are there a lot of games possi...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2018-08-08, Författare: David , testad av: pcpowerplay.com.au
Slim enough to fit anywhere, Great peripherals, Strong lineup of streaming services
Problematic wireless performance, Some features flat out don't work, Your mileage may vary
This is a tough one, depending on what you think the Shield's core experience is. It's a great streamer, but has a ways to go as a game box...
Sammanfattning: If you're an Android fan who's keen to give your television a smart overhaul then Nvidia's Shield TV (2017 edition) is hard to beat.It handles the full gamut of streaming services in Ultra HD – Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play Movies & TV, YouTu...
Publicerad: 2018-07-27, Författare: Stephen , testad av: techguide.com.au
Small and sleek design, Easy-to-use interface, Versatile streaming all kinds of content, Impressive gaming device
Controller sensitivity an issue
The NVIDIA Shield has numerous strengths and has enough features to suit all types of customers. If you're looking for a streaming device that will also allow you to stretch your legs in the gaming world then the NVIDIA Shield is the device for you.Relate...
Sammanfattning: The Nvidia Shield TV, a $200 Android-based streaming box with excessive processing power, appeals to a scattershot of audiences. It's the ideal streamer for PC gamers who also want to play those games in their living room, for media hoarders who want to b...
Publicerad: 2017-01-18, Författare: Rob , testad av: gizmodo.com.au
Sammanfattning: The original Nvidia Shield looked cool and had some neat ideas behind it, but its cost and use of the neglected Android TV operating system left the set-top box/console fusion feeling more like Frankenstein than legitimate answer to either Roku, PS4 or Xb...
Sammanfattning: There are a lot of media players and set-top boxes available on the market today ranging from a few dollars to around the $100 mark, however when the Nvidia Shield TV is announced from Nvidia with a price tag of $200 it gets people to sit up take notice.T...
Sammanfattning: NVIDIA has been sticking to its guns when it comes to expanding its Shield line of devices, and while the naming can get confusing - Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, Shield, and so on - NVIDIA's latest Shield is a 4K-capable set-top box, that truly transfo...
Read more Australian video games industry worth nearly $3 billionNvidia's sleek black box is easily the best Android TV device on the market. At roughly the same price as the new Apple TV ($US199/$A276), the Shield offers a great deal of power for the mon...
A premium spec and finish Android TV Set top box, Inclusion of additional gamer focused content and features, 4K video out of the box, Easy to use UI with access to a vast (paid) media library
Price; if the gaming features are not for you, Limited app catalog on Android TV at this stage, Bandwidth limitations can significantly affect the experience
For me as an Android faithful having an Android TV device is a no brainer, its a window into my Android ecosystem and extension of my Androidy nerdyness. And as a PC gamer choosing the Shield TV was an equally easy choice, but should my mother buy this? S...