Publicerad: 2016-01-12, Författare: Dan , testad av:
Sammanfattning: One of the greatest mysteries in gaming over recent years is the absence of the F-Zero series from Nintendo. After a resurgence in popularity in the early 2000's and three games being released in 2003 alone (including the fantastic F-Zero GX on the GameCu...
Publicerad: 2015-12-09, Författare: Stuart , testad av:
When they said 'fast' they meant it, Smart phase-shift and boost mechanics, Impressive 60fps visuals, Solid split-screen and online multiplayer
Very derivative, Tracks spoilt by insta-crash obstacles, Lack of restart option frustrating
Fast Racing Neo never quite recaptures the glories of the WipEout series, but it's a fast, exciting and visually impressive attempt, complete with a phase-shifting, colour-matching twist. It is a frustrating game thanks to its retro-tinged design decision...
Publicerad: 2015-12-08, Författare: Simon , testad av:
It's not all copy-and-paste design. Neo's principal novelty borrows from an unlikely source: the shade-switching arcade shoot-'em-up, Ikaruga. As in Treasure's classic, your craft has two colour schemes that can be flipped between with a single button pre...
Sammanfattning: While the Wii U itself may not be the best console that Nintendo's released, it's home to some of the very best iterations of its classic franchises. New Super Mario Bros U has managed to supplant Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World as my favourite pla...
Verdammt schnell (und flüssig), Tolle Optik, Unerwartet umfangreich, Splitscreen mit bis zu vier Spielern, Phasen-Feature bringt frischen Wind mit sich
Keine Onlineranglisten, die nur etwas zu körnig ist
Zugegeben, der Name des Titels klingt nicht so cool wie F-Zero oder Sonys Gegenstück Wipeout. Dafür macht es spielerisch sehr viel richtig. Das Phasen-Feature konnte ebenso überzeugen wie die fast einwandfreie Präsentation. Dank Meisterschaft, Splitscre...
Gameplay eccelso, adrenalina a fiumi, Ottimo design dei tracciati, Brillante la meccanica basata sui colori, Impegnativo e gratificante, Multiplayer completissimo, Prezzo ridicolmente basso, Tutto giocabile su GamePad
– Ora voglio la versione fisica
Fast Racing Neo è un degno erede di un titano chiamato F-Zero GX. Il gioco è adrenalinico, impegnativo, richiede una grande dedizione e offre una longevità spropositata, soprattutto se consideriamo il ridicolo prezzo di 14,99 euro. Il gameplay si sposa co...