Sammanfattning: A strong title that pushes the genre forward while retaining much of its original appeal. If the Beatles Rock Band wasnt dropping in mere days, I would say this may be the definitive band title to have, but until we get a hold of that title, this game...
Strong list of songs, 85 tracks in all, World Tour songs can be imported, Party Play makes the game approachable for all audiences, Online competitive modes are fun, Every track unlocked, no need to grind the career mode, Avatar support on the 360 version...
Not every track from World Tour can be brought over, No support for Smash Hits song imports at launch, Still feels like the Guitar Hero games youre used to, Your Avatar looks weirdly out of place, Dead rock stars falling into the uncanny valley
Sammanfattning: Guitar Hero continues to be one of the hottest properties for the Nintendo Wii, outselling other consoles and vanishing from store shelves the day it gets restocked. Personally, I never felt the Wii version had that graphics or audio edge required to ...
Sammanfattning: Roadie Battle, plus other tweaks, makes GH5 a chart topper THE VERDICT by Sean Mirkovich Will found that while Guitar Hero 5 doesn't re-invent the wheel (or the guitar, for that matter) it does offer up a bounty of new rockin' features that puts it ab...
Sammanfattning: With Guitar Hero 5 Activision is taking another big step towards setting the Wii version apart from the PS3, Xbox 360, and PS2 versions of the game. Complete with new modes, entirely different infrastructures, and all-new Wii tech breakthroughs the gam...
Wide-ranging setlist, loads of new multiplayer modes, DS compatibility for Wii owners, Party Play and Mii Freestyle are excellent additions, far more approachable to casual users
Instrument calibration is awkward
Activision has really pushed the boat out with Guitar Hero 5, creating the most approachable and enthralling rhythm-rocking game to date...
Hervorragende Musikauswahl, PartyModus, Alle Songs im Freeplay sofort zugänglich, RettungsFunktion, Viele MultiplayerOptionen, Indikator für Schwierigkeitsgrade, Neues Karrierekonzept, Bessere Kompatibiliät zu RBInstrumenten, Unterstützt drahtlose Mikrofone, Einige Songs aus den Vorgängern importierbar (außer PS2), Technisch gut gelöst, Minimal übersichtlicheres Aufnahmestudio
Keine Neuerungen im BasisSpielsystem, Noch immer sehr schwammiges AnschlagsTiming, Multiple Instrumentewahl nur für Knöpfchenliebhaber, Vier Notenspuren auf einem TV sind zu viel, Bass verliert an Wert, Pietätlose und kitschige Grafik, Songimport nur halbherzig, Inspirationslose Soundabmischung (speziell Wii und PS2)
Allein wegen der Rettungsfunktion für ausgeschiedene Bandmitglieder, der ausgezeichneten Setliste, einsehbaren Schwierigkeitsgraden für jedes einzelne Instrument und der verbesserten Kompatibilität zu allen erhältlichen Instrumentencontrollern hebt sic...