Sammanfattning: Der har virkelig været mange historier omkring Manhunt 2 på nettet, men vi har med vilje valgt at undgå disse. Derfor er det første gang du kan læse noget om Manhunt 2 på og det skulle selvfølgelig være anmeldelsen.Spillet er efter sigen...
Var detta test till hjälp?
Publicerad: 2017-04-24, Författare: Adam , testad av:
Sammanfattning: After the fairly successful original Manhunt title, many fans understandably were awaiting a sequel. While it has been a long and fairly strange wait for these fans, at least it hasn't been entirely boring. Over the last few months, Manhunt 2 has been mak...
Sammanfattning: It doesn't shock me that Rockstar Games decided to create a sequel to the gory 2003 stealth/horror game. It doesn't surprise me that the developers set out to make a game that is even more twisted and disturbing than the first game. And it certainly do...
All in all, I wouldn’t recommend this game to anybody as a purchase unless you really loved the first game and just couldn’t wait for another installment. Otherwise, you will get the most enjoyment out of this game after a weekend rental. Anyt...
Sammanfattning: Take 2 Interactive You know, I could start this review by going on a long-winded rant about the controversy this game has stirred up, and it would probably include quotes like:“Its the parents fault that they allow little jimmy to be raised b...
Sammanfattning: Name: Manhunt 2Genre: Stealth ActionPlatforms: Wii, PS2, PSP (Reviewed on Wii) I get it now. I finally see why there was so much controversy about the release of this game. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the blood-soaked storyline or the gr...
Sammanfattning: Don’t worry! This review wasn’t censored. In a way, Manhunt 2 is quite a sadomasochist’s game. At times, it makes you feel overwhelmingly powerful, as you stab your foes with syringes, light them on fire, behead them with axes, knock the...
Publicerad: 2007-11-08, Författare: James , testad av:
Sammanfattning: I feel sick. Burned out. And tired. And I think wrestling with how to evaluate Manhunt 2 is part of it. I put myself through much more of this game than I felt comfortable doing, in the name of a fair review to a game that has been criticized by religi...
Sammanfattning: | Digg This | Glink It I’m just going to get this out of the way before I start: Despite all of the media hype, all of the censorship and the fanbase’s declaration of sensitive people overreacting, Manhunt 2 is the grossest game...
Sammanfattning: Manhunt 2 opens with your character, Danny Lamb, strangling an elderly, unarmed nurse almost to death.Yeah. It's that sort of a game.Ignoring all of the BS politics of making a game that entertains solely through violence, or the possible repercussion...