Sammanfattning: After a whopping fifteen year hiatus, it would appear that the fan-favorite Punch-Out!! series had hung up its gloves for good. Nightly bouts with King Hippo were replaced with imitators such as Black & Bruised to Facebreaker, all trying to re-capture ...
Sammanfattning: It’s criminal that Nintendo let 15 years pass between the Super Nintendo release of Super Punch-Out!! and Punch-Out!! on the Wii. Between then and now, there have been plenty of opportunities to drag Little Mac out of retirement -- the Game Boy Advanc...
Sammanfattning: To come straight to the point, Punch Out!! on Wii isn't as good as the original. It is, in every aspect, far and away a much better game. The best videogame remakes aren't the ones that slavishly recreate every aspect of their originals, nor are they w...
Sammanfattning: This version of Punch-Out!! for the Wii is remarkably similar to the previous two Nintendo versions of the 90s, but still had me playing until the wee hours of the morning. The game is and has always been addictive to me. There are still 13 boxers inc...
Punch-Out!! is a long overdue re-imagining of one of Nintendo’s most overlooked brands and is, for us, the epitome of what a Wii game should be. Next Level acknowledges and works around the limitations of motion control, bringing the Punch-Out!! ser...
Classic gameplay is still intense and satisfying , Opponents have new strategies the second time you face them , Ridiculous two-player mode , Goofy visuals exude charm
Balance board support is lousy
Punch-Out for the Wii isn't much different from the NES version, but it hardly matters when it's this much fun....
Addictive, classic gameplay; beautiful animations and vibrant visuals
Lacklustre multiplayer; steep difficulty curve; no online capabilities
There’s no denying it: Punch-Out!! is some of the most fun I’ve had on the Wii in quite some time. A spectacular trip down memory lane, Punch-Out!! manages to capture the old-school essence that made the 1987 original such a success, all the w...
von Martin Kreischer Punch Out!! ist ein Fest für Nostalgiker. Hier gibt es alles, was es schon in Punch Out!! auf dem NES gab, nur in einer besseren Präsentation und mit neuen Gegnern. Dabei schlägt ein ziemlich erbarmungsloses Herz unter dem comic-h...