Sammanfattning: Tällä kertaa peliarvosteluumme löysi tiensä monien odottama Suomalainen taidonnäyte eli Remedyn Alan Wake. Alan Wake -peli on kolmannen persoonan näkökulmasta kuvattu toimintaseikkailu vahvoilla kauhu -ja survival-mausteilla. Peliä jouduttiin odottamaa...
Sammanfattning: Alan Wake on peli, joka on aiheuttanut jo paljon pulinaa ja puhinaa erinäisillä tahoilla. Huippuhienojen esittelyvideoiden jälkeen peli hävisi valokeilasta vuosikausiksi ja moni epäili sen jo peruuntuneen vähin äänin. Näin ei kuitenkaan käynyt, vaan Al...
Publicerad: 2017-04-24, Författare: Jonathan , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Alan Wake was a big surprise; for the most part, it actually lived up to its billing. The psychological thriller from Remedy Entertainment and Microsoft Game Studios was absolutely successful at recounting a gripping, suspenseful, intelligent story that g...
Sammanfattning: You don't always have to sit down to an epic, 100-hour slog to get your gaming in. Developers are delivering plenty of great bite-size, episodic games that (usually) release one part at a time.If you're looking for something you can play in installments, ...
Ultimately, Alan Wake doesn’t come off as the main course meal many wished it was going to be. The combat can be a bit repetitive, and the story doesn’t hit all the right notes. But in the end, the atmosphere of the game is unparalleled. The combat is ...
Sammanfattning: Alan Wake is a third person action game from Remedy and Microsoft. This is possibly one of the longest titles in development that has actually got released. Originally presented as an open world action game set to promote Windows Vista and DirectX10, t...
Sammanfattning: I was introduced to the term "launch goggles" at PAX East this year. It's probably been around for longer than that, but that was my fist time hearing it. The term refers to the ability of the press to overlook flaws in a brand new AAA game during it's...
Sammanfattning: It was 2005 when Remedy, developers of the Max Payne series, announced Alan Wake, a game about a writer stuck in a strange, mysterious town. Beyond that, not much was divulged, and the game underwent a fairly quiet development for the past five years. ...
Sammanfattning: Visually, Alan Wake is stunning. There is no question that the game truly maximizes the Xbox 360’s hardware and it is clear the development team must have spent an unbelievable amount of time crafting a product that is seemingly flawless in the graphi...