Publicerad: 2017-04-24, Författare: Jonathan , testad av:
Sammanfattning: On the corner of Co-op and Devine stands Borderlands - a cooperative RPG-shooter hybrid that brings players all the charm of Mad Max to a galaxy far, far away. From the unique, hand-drawn art style to the "bazillions of guns" you can pick up, Borderlands...
the storyline seems pretty standard, nothing too out of the ordinary. You can clearly tell that they put effort into it. Though, I can imagine that much of the effort is overlooked. For instance, who really reads the text before and after you finish ...
The fact that I spent so much time playing Borderlands and enjoying it came a bit of a surprise to me. I’m not the biggest fan of first person shooters, but I do like an RPG if I’ve got the time to spare. This ate up a lot of my time and the fact that...
Sammanfattning: When I was a wee lad, one of my favorite vacation spots was the vast tract of land and forest at the end of my street. There was something about the openness of it I always found intriguing. Well, it wasn't really that vast; it just seemed so when I wa...
Sammanfattning: The lands are home to terrible monsters, raiders and even slugs that ooze from the ground. The welcome mat is covered in gore and frankly, smells like Skag. Grab your guns, some more guns and that hat you call stylish; Welcome to Pandora. If you ever h...
Sammanfattning: Borderlands is a science fiction first person shooter that has a heavy RPG side to it. It was developed by Gearbox Software, primarily known for their Brothers in Arms series in recent years. While this may seem like an odd mix of genres, a hardcore sh...
2K Games and Gearbox software sent us a review copy of the Xbox 360 version of Borderlands. Does Borderlands successfully combine the grinding of an MMO with the fast paced action of a FPS. Come into the wasteland with us after the break!Full Review:...
Sammanfattning: Borderlands is set on the planet of Pandora, covered in arid wastelands, run down towns and heaps of scrap it is somewhat reminiscent of a mix between Fallout 3 and Mad Max. You play as one of four treasure hunters, whose main goal is to find the “Va...
Gearbox should be praised. Borderlands is unique, it’s different, and it’s hard to classify. But it’s not for everyone. It’s not for the stereotypical CoD/Halo crowd. It’s not revolutionary, but it is interesting. And, crucially, it’s a hell of a lot ...