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  Publicerad: 2015-03-31, Författare: Matt , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  What a difference a second playthrough can make. Here I was, all set to dump on the final chapter of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 after seeing what was the ‘bad' ending, but then I thought, ‘I should give the good ending a shot.' And sure enough, it has m...

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-26, Författare: Akil , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Read our review of the previous episode here.The conclusion of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 ends the saga on a satisfying note. While I felt that there was a lot of story stuffed in the ending parts of the game, when taking the rest of the season into a...

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-18, Författare: Steven , testad av:

  • Barry's scenario is better this time around.
  • The 'good' ending is a let down, Claire's game is over too quickly

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-18, Författare: Angelo , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  For the past three episodes of Resident Evil Revelations 2, we've been taken on a tour of all of the gameplay styles that have made up the Resident Evil franchise so far, all building up to this, what we assumed would be thrilling, conclusion. However, a...

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-17, Författare: Peter , testad av:

  • A powerful event marks the end of Claire and Moira's chapter, Sloshing through a perilous sewer freshens up the challenge of exploration, A nostalgic set piece recalls the series' past, The true ending is a satisfying conclusion and a hint at what's next
  • You may have to backtrack to a previous episode to trigger the best ending, The game puts you in control of a pivotal situation, but only accepts a single course of action

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-17, Författare: Matthew , testad av:

  • A disappointing conclusion to an otherwise great game. There are some redeeming factors in episode 4 at least. Good gameplay and epic environments make up for the lacklustre story.Resident Evil Revelations 2- Episode 4 was reviewed by Matthew Figueira on ...

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-17, Författare: Lucy , testad av:

  • Claire's chapter, Satisfying if cryptic ending, Fun bonus episodes
  • Barry's chapter drags, Clunky exposition, End boss is a dull slog
  • Episode 4: Metamorphosis does a satisfactory job at tying up Resident Evil Revelations 2's mysteries, yet it also presents us with the clunkiest gameplay and dialogue we've seen in this series. While the bonus episodes and robust Raid mode extend the life...

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  Publicerad: 2015-03-18, Författare: Sebastian , testad av:

  • Es endet, wie es begann: als Mutantenshow mit kompetenter Action ohne größere Ambitionen. Zum Glück gibt's den klasse Raid-Modus...

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