Vi er helt oppe at ringe over denne Nokia N8, herom er der ingen tvivl. Ingen telefoner kan mestre alle discipliner bedre end alle andre, sådan er det nu engang. Men Nokia har med N8 formået at ligge blandt de allerbedste på ganske mange områder, og d...
Sammanfattning: At imponere ved første indtryk er noget, der meget ofte virker i mobilverden. Vi vil ligesom have de der ting, der giver en wow-fornemmelse, et velbehag, der kribler i kroppen. Det er vel det begge de hurtigvoksende mobilsystemer, Android og iPhone, ha...
Nokia N8 - næsten perfekt Indrømmet! Jeg er i testperioden blevet glad for Nokia N8 - til trods for, at jeg var MEGET skeptisk, da testen startede. Specielt konstruktionen, oprydningen af brugerinterfacet Symbian og kameraet har gjort et stort indtry...
Sammanfattning: HMD Global has just unveiled what will be the very first Nokia flagship running Android: the Nokia 8. Historical significance aside, does the Nokia 8 represent the return to form that legions of Nokia fans have been waiting for? Well, it certainly looks a...
Sammanfattning: The Symbian^3 flagship Nokia N8 has been no stranger to “hands on impressions”. In fact the first exhaustive impressions of a leaked prototype device came as early as April 2010, when Eldar Murtazin ran an article for Mobile Review. From there onwards, we...
Sammanfattning: There used to be a time when Nokia's name was synonymous for high end quality phones, and the Symbian platform was considered among the most sophisticated mobile phone operating systems in the world. But in 2007, a certain computer manufacturer decided to...
Publicerad: 2012-07-13, Författare: Christian , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Nokia N8 is one of the latest and best smartphones from Nokia. It is also possesses more features than many mobile devices available in the market today. With an amazing 12 megapixel camera having a Xenon Hash; a 35 inch AMOLED capacitive touchscreen disp...
This was it, shutterbugs. Apparently we don't have an ultimate camera phone here, but even if we had one, it wouldn't have been the new HTC One X. The handset did arrive with a very fast ImageSense camera, which made photo-taking very intuitive and fa...
From our point of view, the Nokia N8 was a failure up until the day that Symbian Anna came out. The OS was buggy, unresponsive, and felt archaic. The phone was characterized by many people that played with it as something that belonged in the late 90's...