Sammanfattning: HTC Touch Diamond er en særdeles alsidig smartphone med masser af funktionaliteter - pakket ind i stilfuldt, sort og blank pianolook. Klik for at se et større billede. Meget tyder på, at det kan lykkes at stikke en kæp i hjulet på salgstallene fra det ...
Sammanfattning: med formålet, at gøre betjeningen af produktet mere fingervenligt.Genveje til de mest anvendte funktioner er integreret, som ikoner i Touch Flo 3D. Sæt fingeren på det fremhævede ikon, træk fra side til side og slip på det ønskede punkt. Trækkes finge...
Nyt og frisk design i PDA klassen, VGA opløsning er vejen frem, men måske skulle HTC kigge lidt på antallet af farver?, ”rulle hjul” er en praktisk detalje, 3G med den superhurtig HSDPA (7,2 mbit) hastighed, Indbygget 4 GB huko...
Batteri kapaciteten er alt for ringe, På fotodelen mangler jeg hjælpe lys samt en beskyttelse af linsen, Ingen mulighed for hukommelse kort, Ingen rigtig kort materiale til at navigere efter under kørsel (fx. TomTom), Systemet klarer ikke...
Nogle vil måske gerne gøre Touch Diamond til en direkte konkurrent til den nye 3G iPhone, og der er da også visse grundlæggende ligheder. Jeg er dog ret overbevist om, at dels er det ikke helt den samme kunde gruppe, de to telefoner he...
Sammanfattning: The HTC Diamond on Verizon is an older device, and took its sweet time coming to the carrier. It remains the smallest touch screen phone around however..
Sammanfattning: HTC Corp. is a company famous for its Smartphones, and often jumps out of the ordinary with innovative and modern designs. The company was founded in 1997 and very soon became a hit with leading mobile operators as well as end users around the world....
While we are not big fans of Windows Mobile, this phone’s additional TouchFlo interface made it much more useable as well as more fun to use. It has better battery life than most Windows Mobile phones. It also has useful features like a good camera...
The HTC Touch Diamond for Verizon includes an expansion slot and supports VZ Navigator, Visual Voice Mail, and the carriers EV-DO Rev. A network. The Windows Mobile smartphone also has integrated Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a 3.2-megapixel camera.
Its too expensive. The smartphone is also slow.
Slow and expensive; you can find better touch-screen alternatives to the Verizon HTC Touch Diamond.
Sammanfattning: There was the HTC Touch and now Sprint offers a brand new phone with improved operation, the HTC Touch Diamond. The HTC Touch Diamond offers a greater operation, superb performance and supposed Sprint’s EV-DO Rev. A network and multimedia services. The...
Sammanfattning: Video Review: We found that the overall design of the HTC Diamond Touch Smartphone is great, but the operating system was sluggish, holding back a potentially great phone. ...