Testseek.se har samlat 12 tester av ThermalTake GOrb 2 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 87%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för ThermalTake GOrb 2.
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Publicerad: 2013-08-26, Författare: Sean , testad av: decryptedtech.com
As the market for high-end gaming laptops that are also slim and compact grows so will the market for good cooling products. The Thermaltake GOrb II is a good option for your cooling needs with most of these devices. It is a clean, simple and well-built p...
Sammanfattning: I think Thermaltake's new motto should be, “We can rebuild it, we have the technology. Better than it was before. Better, faster, stronger.” Sadly, I think the miles of legal copyrights on that slogan make that impossible, but it is quite applicable in th...
I don't know if you want to call it fair or unfair to the GOrb II that I am bypassing the testing results of it. The reason is simple, but is a two part reason. One reason, the performance was almost negligible, since this cooler did not align with my...
Sammanfattning: Recién salido del CES 20213 nos llega la evolución del refrigerador Gorb para portátiles de Thermaltake, el Thermaltake GOrb II. Al igual que su predecesor el nuevo cooler mantiene su peculiar diseño en forma de bola, es fácil de utilizar, arroja un bu...
El refrigerador Thermaltake GOrb II ofrece un peculiar diseño muy atractivo, más aun cuando lo tenemos encendido y la luz LED ilumina el escritorio a oscuras. Su eficiencia depende en gran medida de las rejillas del propio portátil, pero siempre viene bie...
Несомненно, Thermaltake GOrb II является современной и интересной системой охлаждения с весьма красивым и нестандартным дизайном. Универсальность в использовании, конечно, не может не радовать, но такой вариант немного теряет в устойчивости, так как чашеч...
一般筆電散熱器大多是平台式,體積較大,攜帶不易,而 GOrb II 則是採用球形設計,在攜帶上會比平台式方便許多,不過在安裝及收納上就不是那麼迅速。另外還有一點需要注意,如上方圖示所使用的筆電,它底部前端是突出設計(電池),GOrb II 的三個支撐點無法完全接觸底部,會有搖晃不穩的情形。有需要 GOrb II 筆電散熱器的喊聲有...因為我個人小筆電用不上,捐出給各位抽獎...請於此回覆即有資格,將於 5/27 抽出 1 位。...