Testseek.se har samlat 199 tester av Intel Core i7 8086K 4GHz Socket 1151 och det genomsnittliga betyget är 85%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Intel Core i7 8086K 4GHz Socket 1151.
Juli 2018
199 Tester
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1021 Tester
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Publicerad: 2018-06-16, Författare: Laine , testad av: SweClockers.com
Sammanfattning: Intels 8086-processor fyller 40 år och företaget firar detta med jubileumsprocessorn Core i7-8086K med en turbofrekvens på 5 GHz. SweClockers undersöker om modellen är värd pengarna.Intels 8086-processor fyller 40 år och företaget firar detta med jubileum...
Sammanfattning: Two years after its release on the PS4, Days Gone has come to PC. It is an open-world game which looks like a mix of The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned...
Sammanfattning: If you disregard the janky animations (facial expressions, body movements), then Hitman 3 can be considered as a very graphically impressive title. Thanks to good lighting and high-quality reflections, the richly detailed environments appear very atmospheric. The textures are also very impressive, especially when compared to the rest of the competition...
Sammanfattning: If you disregard the janky animations (facial expressions, body movements), then Hitman 3 can be considered as a very graphically impressive title...
Sammanfattning: Most users and critics agree that Outriders launched with a lot of problems. These include server issues as well as technological problems...
Sammanfattning: If you disregard the janky animations (facial expressions, body movements), then Hitman 3 can be considered as a very graphically impressive title...
Sammanfattning: Even though Far Cry 6 is not the world's most visually striking game, it still looks very pretty. In addition to the new setting, both textures and effects impress (see screenshots). The developers behind Far Cry 6 did a great job with the graphics menu...
Sammanfattning: Most users and critics agree that Outriders launched with a lot of problems. These include server issues as well as technological problems...
Sammanfattning: If you disregard the janky animations (facial expressions, body movements), then Hitman 3 can be considered as a very graphically impressive title...