Sammanfattning: Nokia 7710 är en trippelbands smartphone med måtten 142x70x19 mm. Telefonen är fullspäckad med program och funktioner så att använda den som enbart telefon rekommenderas inte.
Sammanfattning: Her er den kanskje merkeligste telefonen du får kjøpt i dag. Den imponerer med sine flotte spesifikasjoner og utrolige skjerm, men samtidig irriterer med dårlig optimalisert programvare. Er Nokia 7710 noe for deg?
Sammanfattning: Nokia har endelig lansert sin multimedietelefon. 7710 skal være ypperlig egnet for bilder, video, musikk, spill og kontorprogrammer. Vi har testet den.
Sammanfattning: For å ta noen av de positive tingene først – skjermen på Nokia 7710 overgår det meste av hva vi har sett. 640x320 punkter gir en unik brukeropplevelse når du skal surfe på internett eller lese e-post. Skjermen er skarp og lyssterk og fungerer...
Sammanfattning: Nokia’s 7710 is quite possibly the oddest handsets on the market today. It doesn’t have a number pad, and it looks more like a games console than a phone. This is all part and parcel of the bigger picture with this device, though it is a true...
Sammanfattning: Nokia market the 7710 as a Widescreen smartphone, which gives you a little hint as to what to expect, but Symbian PDA is perhaps more accurate. The use of a stylus to input text has been seen before, on the Sony Ericsson P900 (and other UIQ devices...
Sammanfattning: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3This is a review of the Nokia 7710 and is based on a retail unit as sold by Nokia Asia (manufactured in 2004). The system information for this unit indicates that the firmware version is 02.08.1, dated 08-12-04, and the unit typ...
For all the negative comments I've made about the 7710 I just can't help liking it. If innovation were its own reward I'd be scoring this device very highly indeed. But I have to be more practical in my scoring than that, and in the end the device is neit...
Sammanfattning: Though its older brother the 7700 never made it to the market, the Nokia 7710 is here in a big way. As the first commercially available Series 90 device on the market, will it be enough to create a new device niche for Nokia?
Screen size and quality, Features and application, Memory storage space, up to a 1 Gig MMC disk, Speaker quality, stereo sound
Size and Ergonomics, Battery life, Operating system stability, No infrared or WiFi, No flash on camera
If you are looking for a phone first and PDA second, this is not the phone for you. If you want an all in one, the Nokia 7710 comes close to having everything, assuming you can live with slow processing and applications freezing up every now and then. ...