Sammanfattning: It was foolish to even attempt to reveal a piece of hardware as unique as the OQO Model 01 in front of the unintentional audience of casual onlookers making up the mid-afternoon lunch crowd at my favorite coffee joint. Men dressed in suits cautiou...
Sammanfattning: Make no mistake, the OQO model 01 is one of the most impressive technological feats of the decade. OQO spent five years developing this handheld computer, and likely it took every day to fit a PC into a device the size of a large PDA. The model 01, cu...
The model 01 is a beautifully designed, and well thought out mobile computing system. Although I had initial reservations about its real world usefulness, the more I used this pocket sized PC, the more reliant on it I became. Anyone who looks at the model...
Sammanfattning: For users who need a scaled-down PC on the road but find an ultraportable too large, the OQO model 01 might be the right choi Specs: Operating System: MS Windows XP Professional, RAM: 256 MB, Hard Drive Capacity: 20 GB, Processor Speed: 1 GHz, Syst
Sammanfattning: <b>Spec:</b> 0.9 lbs, Transmeta Crusoe TM5800 (1.0 GHz), 256 MB DDR SDRAM, 20 GB, 5.0 in TFT active matrix, 1 Lithium ion, Microsoft Windows XP Professional<br> <b>Good:</b> Very versatile; runs full Windows XP OS; Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are included; good docking solution; attractive design.<br> <b>Bad:</b> Weak performance; short battery life; runs hot; too big for a pocket; expensive.<br> <b>Bottomline:</b> A full Windows XP PC thats barely bigger than a PDA, the OQO Model 01 is incredibly cool but makes too many compromises.<br>
Minimalist metal stand lets you connect the incredible all-in-one cable for all your external monitor, keyboard and peripheral needs. Handy scroller. The main connections you want are all present and correct. Being XP it has all the features you are u
The screen can’t handle some apps as well as it should. Not as good as a portable laptop
We thought overkill could only be good. Strictly for those who absolutely must have XP on the move but can’t lug an ultra-portable lappy ...
Sammanfattning: It weighs only 416g yet runs Windows XP Professional. But docked back at the office we were left wanting a bit more under the tiny hood. Last month, we reviewed Toshibas impressive Libretto U100, a tiny 986g notebook packed with all the features you...
Sammanfattning: If you think even the smallest, ultra-portable laptops are bloated behemoths that wont fit in your hand luggage, this might sate your thirst for miniaturisation. A proper Windows XP-based computer, this machine is barely bigger than your hand, and s...