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Tester av Corsair iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers har samlat 38 tester av Corsair iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers och det genomsnittliga betyget är 84%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Corsair iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers.
Utmärkelse: Bäst i Test Juli 2020
Juli 2020
38 Tester
40 Tester
84 0 100 38



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  Publicerad: 2020-08-18, Författare: Aaron , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  For no particular reason, gamers have had a lot more time to spend at their computers and consoles in 2020, and the world's tech manufacturers have kept innovating to try to keep up with an increase in demand. Corsair has launched a couple of interesting...

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  Publicerad: 2020-08-07, Författare: Home , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  As if Corsair hasn't already taken over case lighting with their fans, cases, RGB headset stands, Water Cooling kits, and even memory. They have recently been diving into the ambient lighting as well for your office and it makes sense. When you have thing...

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  Publicerad: 2020-07-21, Författare: Harish , testad av:

  • Diffused RGB lighting, Easy to install, Integrates with iCUE platform, Reversible connectors, Comes with a detachable headset holder
  • Costly, Plastic headset holder
  • Source: Harish Jonnalagadda / Windows CentralLet's talk about how much the LT100 costs: the starter kit retails for $130, and each additional tower is $60. That's a lot to pay for ambient lighting, but if you've already invested in Corsair's iCUE platform...

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  Publicerad: 2020-07-16, Författare: stefan , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  At first we would like to thank CORSAIR for offering us their iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers Starter Kit for testing and reviewing."Founded in 1994, Corsair has grown from pioneering the high-performance DRAM market to one of the world's leading p...

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  Publicerad: 2020-07-01, Författare: Sebastian , testad av:

  • While the iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers are not going to replace lighting strips for most streaming setups (Corsair also offers the iCUE LS100), they are an interesting alternative to traditional LED strips for things like ambient display effects. If y...

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  Publicerad: 2020-06-30, Författare: Bob , testad av:

  • Both the base and tower light up, Very easy to setup, Excellent controls within iCUE, “Video Lighting” mode is pretty impressive, Headset holder included
  • Not as much coverage as I would have liked that have seen, You have towers taking up space on your desk, Price vs competition
  • I am all for RGB products and especially RGB desk products. Over the years I've tried to pimp out my desk with different RGB products so when Corsair asked to send their iCUE LT100 Smart Lighting Towers over I was really excited. The Starter Kit ($109.99)...

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  Publicerad: 2020-06-30, Författare: VSG , testad av:

  • Strong addition to the ambient lighting market, Excellent customization via iCUE, including ambient lighting effects, Hardware playback allows you to pick from among 11 lighting effects without any software, A whopping 46 dRGB LEDs per tower behind white
  • Quite expensive for a set form factor ambient lighting product, Headset holder accessory is flimsy and comes off as an afterthought for some function over form, Some lighting effects are not very effective in practice, AC adapter is large and can block ad
  • The CORSAIR iCUE LT100 smart lighting towers launch today (June 30). These are currently available as a starter kit for $129.99 from the CORSAIR webstore and their retail partners, and additional towers (a maximum of four are supported per setup) can be...

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  Publicerad: 2020-07-17, Författare: Andrew , testad av:

  • Great build quality, RGB LED quality is excellent, Great diffusion – you can't see the individual LEDs at all, Colour range and vibrancy is very impressive, iCUE software is brilliant and preset effects are great, Works without a PC/USB connection with on
  • Expensive, Fragile RGB lead connectors, Lots of leads to manage – no wireless option, No USBC support

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  Publicerad: 2020-06-30, Författare: Melissa , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  In today's review, I take a look at the brand-new Corsair iCUE LT100 starter kit. It's part of the iCUE smart lighting ecosystem and features 92 RGB LEDs in total. These extend your setups' RGB lighting from not only your PC and peripherals but now these...

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  Publicerad: 2020-06-30, Författare: Peter , testad av:

  • How Much Does it Cost?Did someone say premium Corsair product! Run wallet, run, nobody can save you from the RGB addicts. In all seriousness though, this is a cool product, it's pretty unique and it's made with premium features. So when I tell you that it...

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