Ozone GROUND LEVEL XT är en relativt bra musmatta med material i hög kvalitet. Priset ligger på runt 130 kronor vilket får ses som billigt och jag tycker man får relativt mycket matta för pengarna om man nu klarar av att spela på det lilla utrymmet som fi...
Sammanfattning: Ozone Gaming Gear laver et bredt udvalg af lækkert tilbehør til gamere. Mekaniske tastaturer, ergonomiske mus og headsets med fed lyd er nogle af de produkter, de laver. Vi har før anmeldt nogle af deres produkter, og nu skal vi til det igen. Denne gang s...
Da jeg så måttens størrelse tænkte jeg "den var da ALT for stor". Men den antagelse tager jeg i mig igen, da jeg -personligt- synes det er en stor fordel efter at have testet måtten. Dette fordi musemåtten er så stor så den fint dækker ens under...
Sammanfattning: Så er det atter tid til at bevæge sig ind på gamer markedet hvor vi skal have fat i Ozone der er blandt de nyere mærker på markedet, men vi kender godt til deres produkter da vi testede deres mus som det første produkt sidste år.Men nu er de tilbage på...
and ConlusionThe mouse pad is what i find the ‘normal' size mouse pad its 32cm long and 28.5cm width. The most important side of the pad is its thickness with its 6mm its really good to absorb any kinds of vibration and a bit heavy to prevent the pad fro...
With three options to suit your personal needs at some of the lowest prices in the industry, the Ground Level line should definitely be consider for any enthusiast looking to upgrade. The surface is smooth and allows for a great glide with no issues in...
Ozone Smog Gaming MouseThe Smog mouse is a great piece of design. It's very attractive and definitely on the sturdy side. Those of us with larger hands are often disappointed at the size of mice but here Ozone have managed to strike the perfect balance...
Clearly, when a new manufacturer wants to enter the market they must offer something extra of value, no matter which market we are talking about. In the case of Ozone, I feel they offer the extra value in terms of high quality, aggressively designed an...
Overall this is a great mouse mat for gamers, it's comfortable, big enough so that you don't run out of mat and it looks great. I wouldn't recommend it to people that don't really game as there's little reason to buy it over a cheaper one, though it i...
Priced at just £10 the Ozone Ground Level XT is a complete steal! Compared to other more expensive ‘professional gaming pads’ I’ve used in the past, the Ground Level XT is on par yet for a much reduced price.With the thick foam padding it’s very comfor...