Sammanfattning: Att vi konsumenter har ett stort sortiment vi kan välja mellan är aldrig fel. Razer Sphex är en musmatta som är ultra slim och har ett bra glid och nog bör det finnas någon som gillar den typen av musmattor. Jag personligen behöver en bra mycket större...
Sammanfattning: Razer, som vi jo kender fra en masse godt gamerudstyr, er kommet med en musemåtte af en helt ny slags. Sphex bryster sig af at være den tyndeste musemåtte på markedet og det er den måske også, den er under 1 mm tyk, så det skal nok passe. Jeg har ikke ...
Formfaktoren, Gode trackingegenskaber for musen, Klæber på mange overflader, prisen,
Razer har lavet et rigtig godt produkt, som samtidig kan erhverves for en rigtig fornuftig pris. Razer har været innovative og gået nye veje med udviklingen af en musemåtte, hvilket de også skal have ros for – den atypiske formfa...
The mousepad definately works as advertised in the performance department. It is thin and lightweight, but doesn't like to be rolled up. The reusable adhesive seems to work well, but be forewarned that you should clean the surface with alcohol pads...
If you are a heavy gamer looking to avoid standard mouse pads because you don’t like how thick they are, this is the mouse pad for you. The Sphex was easy to install and reinstall and performed amazing with multiple mice. The only issues I noticed a...
Sammanfattning: Mousepads are underrated. It’s that simple. Some people don’t even use them. Heck, they aren’t necessary half the time. So why bother, right?Wrong. Bothering is the best thing any responsible gamer can do when it comes to their peripherals, mousepad in...
Sammanfattning: Quickie: A paper-thin gaming mouse pad that stays in place thanks to a sticky backside and a surface that really does improve mouse tracking. And the Razer Shpex is only $15. I love this mousepad. So much that I might marry it. My desk is set at a hei...
Incredibly thin, Sticks flush and stays to any surface via a multiuse adhesive bottom, Works with both optical and laser mice, Mouse movement is very smooth and precise
Fragile, could easily be damaged if not properly taken care of
To put it bluntly, the Sphex delivers. In gaming it was comparable to Razers eXactMat while having the quietness and stability of Razers Goliathus. We loved how flat it was, how smooth it was, and how it seemed to be just the right size. It excels i...
Sammanfattning: With my short history of Razer products, I have never been disappointed with the overall quality and performance. This is to be expected when you consider the price of most of their products. Not overly expensive, but just enough to make you wonder if ...