As I mentioned at the start, when TourBox offered the NEO for review, I was a little bit intimidated. I'm not a full-time content creator that spends his days editing – I am a novice at best when it comes to this type of work, in my opinion, and I wasn't...
Great software, D-Pad shortcut reminders, Great scrubbing tool
Almost too many buttons, Takes a while to get used to
Fully integrating a new tool into your workflow takes time, and while I will still need more time with the TourBox NEO Speed Editor it has proved itself instantly useful in a few aspects. It may only save a few seconds, but over several hours of editing v...
In the end, I think the TourBox Neo is the cheapest and most versatile multi-application-compatible hardware on the market. The only hardware that is close is the Elgato Stream Deck priced at $150, but that does not come with the knobs and dials that I lo...
Unmarked controls, Inconsistently designed presets, No support for Adobe Camera Raw
The TourBox NEO has some real attractions; it's affordable, highly customisable, and won't take up too much space on your desk. Just be aware that you're unlikely to be up and running instantly; instead, there's quite a long learning curve. You'll also pr...
Подобные контроллеры разнообразием не блещут: всего на рынке есть несколько моделей в бюджетном секторе, и все они позиционируются как стационарное решение для любительского монтажа. TourBox Neo - компактное решение, которое можно взять с собой на съёмки...
Подобные контроллеры разнообразием не блещут: всего на рынке есть несколько моделей в бюджетном секторе, и все они позиционируются как стационарное решение для любительского монтажа. TourBox Neo - компактное решение, которое можно взять с собой на съёмки...
Sammanfattning: 세상이 디지털 기반으로 바뀌면서 예전에는 손으로 하던 작업들 대부분 컴퓨터나 태블릿, 스마트폰 등을 거치게 되는게 당연해지고 있다.이러한 수십년의 변화 속에서도 그 중심에는 PC(와 Mac)가 있었지만 정작 이를 조작하는 도구는 수십년 전과 마찬가지로 키보드와 마우스다. 간혹 터치패드나 터치스크린, 트랙볼도 쓰지만 특히 콘텐츠 생산 부문에서는 비중이 미미한 편이다.하지만 PC에서 문서나 이미지 편집을 넘어서 3D나 동영상 등 다양한 작업을...