Very good to excellent cleaning, rinsing, and drying performance, Controls were easy to use and follow, Very energy-efficient, Fingerprint-resistant stainless steel door panel
Basic, undivided flatware basket, Expensive, Not as quiet as other models tested
If it were up to us, we'd get rid of the end-cycle signal and replace it with a sound clip of the Fonz going, “Ayyy!” (We also would have liked a feature where you had to give the machine a little jukebox-like whack to start it up... but we can also see w...
Publicerad: 2016-08-17, Författare: Андрей , testad av:
Sammanfattning: Да неумолимая статистика констатирует факт: посудомоечная машина остаётся для отечественных домохозяйств экзотикой. Люди мало вспоминают о ней в магазине электроники редко покупают и почти ничего не знают и знать не хотят о преимуществах владения ею. А...