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Tester av Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC 25600mAh Powerbank har samlat 12 tester av Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC 25600mAh Powerbank och det genomsnittliga betyget är 84%. Scrolla ned och se alla testerna för Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC 25600mAh Powerbank.
12 Tester
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84 0 100 12



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  Publicerad: 2021-11-14, testad av:

  • Mange porter, stor fleksibilitet, Solid bygget, gummiering gir støtbeskyttelse, LED-skjerm, Har Europlugg Type C, Høy effekt ut
  • Europlugg Type C fungerer ikke med mange bruksområder, Veldig dyr, Bråkete vifte, Tung, Stor, USB Type-C kan løse mange av problemene stikkontakten kan brukes for, og stikkontakten gjør laderen veldig stor og dyr
  • Ingen Schuko-støtte her, hverken størrelses- eller kapasitetsmessig. Schuko-utstyr overstiger som regel 100W uansett.KameraTorstein Norum Bugge, Tek.noBunnlinja i denne saken må være at Goal Zero har laget et produkt de færreste trenger. Den skiller seg s...

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  Publicerad: 2021-01-09, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Man skulle ikke umiddelbart tro at vi her på Gamereactor kunne blive riv, rav, ruskforelskede i en Power Bank. Ikke at der ikke produceres lækre af slagsen, tværtimod, men det er nok snarere en praksis sikkerhedsforanstaltning, end et stykke lækker forbru...

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  Publicerad: 2019-02-12, Författare: Mette , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Næst efter vand og mad (for AOD-læseren måske endda før!) er strøm vel nok det, vi har sværest ved at undvære i den moderne digitale verden. Det kan være kritisk, hvis mobilen, din bærbare eller andre enheder løber tør for strøm, når du er på farten.Det e...

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  Publicerad: 2019-09-06, Författare: Julian , testad av:

  • The build quality, The versatile connectivity ports, The sleek design, The power delivery capacity, The Qi wireless charging,
  • Maybe the ability for the built-in AC port to be able to swing upwards to accommodate larger AC adapters
  • A few of the power banks that I own are quite versatile, but none as versatile and portable as this Goal Zero Sherpa 100AC Power Bank. The dual in/out USB-C power delivery ports along with the regular USB ports and the AC port make this perfect for my use...

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  Publicerad: 2019-02-26, Författare: Jason , testad av:

  • Informative display, Airline approved, Numerous ports
  • Pricey, Slow wireless charging
  • If you need a versatile battery pack that you can take in your carry-on bag, and can charge practically any device you own, then the Sherpa 100AC is it.To comment on this article and other PCWorld content, visit our Facebook page or our Twitter feed...

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  Publicerad: 2018-12-20, Författare: Jason , testad av:

  • Informative display, Airline approved, Numerous ports
  • Pricey, Slow wireless charging
  • If you need a versatile battery pack that you can take in your carry-on bag, and can charge practically any device you own, then the Sherpa 100AC is it.To comment on this article and other PCWorld content, visit our Facebook page or our Twitter feed...

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  Publicerad: 2018-09-24, Författare: Brad , testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  Last summer, I reviewed Goal Zero's Yeti 1400 That was a 45-pound portable power station with a battery capable of running a full-sized refrigerator for over 12 hours This time around I tested another new Goal Zero product, but this one was considerably...

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  Publicerad: 2018-08-29, testad av:

  • Sammanfattning:  We have phones, tablets, smartwatches, wireless headsets, laptops, and more that need to be charged. Goal Zero's new Sherpa 100AC power bank provides 100 watt-hours of power via a 25,600 mAh capacity battery.You could potentially charge up to six pieces o...

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  Publicerad: 2018-08-27, Författare: Thomas , testad av:

  • Highest capacity you can legally take on a plane, Tons of input and output charging options, Good selection of bundled cables, Cable storage on both sides
  • Relatively high cost, Finicky user input on tiny display, Doesn't ship with wall charger

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  Publicerad: 2018-12-21, Författare: Jason , testad av:

  • The Science Behind Healthy CookingMore from ASKOJoin the newsletter!If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will receive an email every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This will contain a selection of the latest product reviews, news and features that we ha...

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