Sammanfattning: HIFI4ALL.DK har fået en Østriger på besøg, og normalt er Østrig ikke et land man forbinder med produktion af hi-fi udstyr. Men de kan faktisk et eller andet, folkene hos Ayon, for denne CD-afspiller formår absolut at markere sig i klassen.Ayon CD-2 vir...
Sammanfattning: Added to this is the fact that as a species CD players are a relatively uniform bunch. They all have near flat frequency response, similar Signal to Noise and so on, and so you rarely get that 'oh my gosh' feeling as when a new turntable just throws mu...
Sammanfattning: I walked into the local Best Buy the other day and spied an alternative future, a display of Micro-SD Chips preloaded with music. The things were so small that if you were to drop one while standing on a lawn you might not find i...
Sammanfattning: Äußerlich wirkt er schlicht, doch hinsichtlich technischer Ausstattung, Komfort und Klang ist Ayons Röhren-CD-Spieler CD-2 die berühmte eierlegende WollmilchsauMatthias BödeMan kommt aus dem Staunen kaum heraus. Macht der CD-2 der österreichischen Edelma...